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I need to vent

2 years ago I thought maybe with the back surgery, I would be done with the bad pain and trouble walking and standing. I thought gosh can I please finally be healthy... Now I'm dealing with new back problems from my tailbone to the first vertebrae under my skull. And my eyes are so broken. So much is going on with my eyes. I have an appointment with one of the providers tomorrow to discuss the X-ray results. Then I have an appointment with my neurologist next week. Then I have an appointment next month with my neuro-ophthalmologist . And my BHH nurse is freaking out about my HR being too high and she wants me to go see my cardiologist. And I'm having trouble scheduling my appointment with the new Endo. And I gotta find a pain management clinic soon. I'm really sick of being broken. Whatever I did to piss off the gods...

#thegodsmustbemad #BackPain #FemoralAcetabularImpingement #spinalbonespurs

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Hello Everryboddy ! ( I'm saying hello in my best Grover voice. ...a blue fur covered muppet from Sesame Street kid's program. )

I was told that I should come and say hello. My name is Tavia, short version of Octavia. I am married. I live in bed ( if you can call that living..) due to the pain of several chronic pain conditions /injuries from a serious car accident I was in 23 years ago. I am now in my 50s. I deal with a lot of loneliness and isolation and some depression about losing my life and most of the people I cared about to an existence in pain.

#EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Fibromyalgia #AnkylosingSpondylitis #SpinalStenosis #ChronicMigraines #sciatica #Bursitis #Nervedamage #cervicalfusion #cervicaldiscectomy #spinalbonespurs #Hypothyroidism #PeripheralNeuropathy #numbness #Insomnia