Today's session with my therapist was really helpful.
We talked about my busy and stressful work week and the negative selftalk that has started up again and which i'm struggling to control every evening.
We started out getting some skills together about managing the thoughts and slowing down my work day so i'm not so overwhelmed.
I gave an example of a colleague who structures his work day in blocks to get tasks done at a certain time for a certain amount of time at work, and to prioritise and set boundaries around new tasks and enquiries.
I realised he can do this because he values himself and his time at work.
I dont have that mindset but im going to work on building it. My mindset at work is currently to strip myself of all my human needs and turn myself inside out for everyone and anyone completely at the whim of others and being completely at service of others and their apparently urgent needs at complete disregard for my own.
I'm a librarian, internally for our company.
The way i've been treating myself at work for the last 9 years is incredibly unhealthy.
From tomorrow i'm going to try to change that.
If i mattered to myself at work, i would:
Value my time
Prioritise my work
Put boundaries around mine and others' expectations of delivery times for research
Structure my day and acknowldge the time that different tasks take to do well
Take breaks when i feel i need to
Validate when something is difficult or stressful or challenging and allow time accordingly
Evaluate how i feel each day and my expectations for myself that day
Validate when there are extenuating circumstances which are making work harder
Because i matter to myself.
#MentalHealth #Work #Structure #Selfcare #CheerMeOn