Throat Cancer

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Chronic Fatigue

I had throat cancer. I had surgery and 25 sessions of radiation to my head area. It has been 2 years since my last radiation. I am 64. I never had fatigue before. Now I have profound fatigue every day. I am always tired. No matter how long I sleep, I wake up feeling like I never slept. I read this fatigue lasts 6 months. So far, it has been over 2 years. Is something wrong with me?

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The HPV vaccine: Weighing up the risks and benefits

Part 1 of 2 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a ubiquitous and sexually transmitted virus affecting millions worldwide. It is a leading cause of various diseases, including cervical cancer, making it a significant public health concern. This introduction aims to shed light on the critical role of the HPV vaccine in preventing these diseases by providing an overview of HPV, its associated health risks, and the primary purpose of this post: to inform, educate, and advocate for HPV vaccination.

HPV, with over 100 known types, is the most common sexually transmitted infection globally. While most HPV infections resolve independently, certain high-risk types can lead to cancers, including cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women, causing approximately 311,000 deaths globally in 2018. These statistics highlight the urgent need to address HPV infection and its consequences.

Understanding HPV:

HPV is primarily a sexually transmitted virus. It can be transmitted through genital, anal, and oral contact, making it one of the most common sexually transmitted infections worldwide. Understanding its transmission pathways is crucial in both prevention and education efforts.

High-risk HPV types, particularly HPV-16 and HPV-18, are strongly associated with the development of cervical cancer. These types can infect the cervix’s cells and, over time, lead to precancerous lesions and cervical cancer. These lesions are often asymptomatic, making regular cervical cancer screenings essential for early detection.

Statistics highlight the severe health risks associated with HPV. Approximately 570,000 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed each year. This underscores the urgency in comprehending the relationship between HPV and cervical cancer and the importance of vaccination as a preventive measure.

The HPV vaccine:

The HPV vaccine is a groundbreaking medical advancement in the fight against Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and its associated health risks.

There are several HPV vaccines available, with the two most widely recognized being Gardasil and Cervarix. Gardasil, for instance, protects against the most common high-risk HPV types, HPV-16 and HPV-18, and low-risk types that cause genital warts. These vaccines offer comprehensive protection against the most concerning HPV types, reducing the risk of developing cervical and related cancers.

The effectiveness of the HPV vaccine is well-established through extensive clinical trials and real-world data. Studies have consistently shown that the vaccine effectively prevents HPV infection and associated diseases. For instance, research has demonstrated a substantial decrease in HPV-related conditions, including cervical precancerous lesions and genital warts, in vaccinated populations. These findings underscore the vaccine’s role in preventing HPV transmission and the subsequent development of related health issues.

Safety is a paramount concern for vaccines, and the HPV vaccine has undergone rigorous testing to ensure its safety. Common side effects include pain at the injection site, mild fever, and dizziness. Serious adverse events are rare and thoroughly investigated by healthcare authorities to maintain public trust in vaccination programs.

The impact of the HPV vaccine:

One of the most significant achievements of HPV vaccination is the marked reduction in HPV-related diseases. Cervical cancer, in particular, has seen a substantial decline in cases, which is expected to continue. Vaccination has significantly decreased the prevalence of high-risk HPV types, reducing the occurrence of cervical precancerous lesions and ultimately preventing cervical cancer.

The impact is not limited to cervical cancer; it extends to other HPV-related conditions like genital warts and oropharyngeal cancer, contributing to improved public health outcomes.

On a global scale, several countries have successfully implemented robust HPV vaccination programs, achieving impressive results. Countries like Australia, which initiated school-based HPV vaccination programs, have seen remarkable reductions in HPV prevalence and related diseases. These success stories demonstrate the effectiveness of proactive vaccination efforts and serve as models for other nations.

Recommendations for getting vaccinated:

The HPV vaccine is recommended for specific populations to maximize its benefits. Adolescents are a primary target group, with vaccination typically recommended for boys and girls starting at ages 11 or 12. Initiating vaccination at this age ensures that individuals receive the vaccine before potential exposure to HPV through sexual activity. Catch-up vaccination is also available for those not vaccinated at the recommended age, extending the opp


Cancer Fighting Songs

Hi I had throat cancer and got discharged after 5 years, I am now in 3 years remission from pancreatic cancer. I fought against the illness through writing two songs about fighting Cancer. Please feel free to share them if you like, find them on YouTube under the heading of Cancer Rebel Live and Cancer Rebel Live, Cancer Survivor

Stay safe and well Maurice aka MoMac

Cancer Rebel Live to YMCA tune by the inspirational Momac McCarthy MoMac YouTube 360p

The latest incarnation of my Cancer Rebel Live song with lyricsthank,s to everyone who came to the Hilton Hotel in Brighton November 2019 for making another ...
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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is TamK. I'm here because I’m a caregiver for my Vietnam Veteran husband. He has had 2 strokes, a PE, and throat cancer twice. he has a trac and can not speak.

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #Fibromyalgia

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is JamesW. I'm here because I am a stage 5 throat cancer survivor dealing with all the radiation aftermath Looking for other with similar cancer to talk to that understands



I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Pheonix8. I’m new to The Mighty and look forward to sharing my story.

I am a 60 year old woman. I am in a domestic relationship. I have 2 grown children, 2 grandchildren and 3 fur grand children.

I have always been a change I very difficult for me.

Now my higher power (God), has a different road he wants me to travel.

In 1998, I was diagnosed with multiple Sclerosis.

In 2001, I finally left a 15 year abusive marriage.

In 2011, I survived throat cancer.

In 2013 was terminated from a 22 year medical manufacturing career, because I extinguished 22 weeks of STD.

In 2017 I left my children to "help" my 80 year old mother and her 2nd husband to be thrown out of their house in the dead of winter 1 week before Thanksgiving. We left everything because everything they had we were supposed to inherit. So at 55 years of age, we are starting over.

In March of 2020 I survived a widow makers heart attack.

In June, 2020 I had a double bypass with complications.

In December 2020 was hospitalized with arrhythmia.

In January 2022, I tested positive for COVID, can't imagine what it would have been like without the vaccinations.

I know I have more to give I am still searching for what that might be.

Then I met a wonderful lady who is very much into living in the NOW, and has found and embraces her inner child

She keeps telling me it is I side me but I have no idea on how to even begin searching. She is truly amazing and I need what she has found.





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Not sure I believe in God any more #Depression #petsareGod

It’s interesting, I was raised in a Christian home, weekends revolved around church, and friends at church. I went to a Christian University and taught in a Christian school.

I realised that people are the same if they are Christian or not. If they are stressed they are not very nice. No different to non Christian people. In fact sometimes worse.

I always wanted to be real and challenge the system. When I went to pubs to play guitar I was told that wasn’t appropriate.

When I sang in church it felt a bit contrived and people were easily offended by things like drums or similar. The worship music was no different to mainstream music like ColdPlay or similar. In fact i felt something fresh at a Coldplay concert I went to.

I’ve since learnt that depression I’ve battled with on and off for most of my life was born from high standards of behaviour set at church, and at home.

The feeling of being different to my school friends, not having friends outside church, giving your time away to everyone else and rescuing down and outers who need help didn’t really teach me self love or healthy boundaries. Never went to parties or played sport on Saturday because that was gods day. You get the idea...

I burnt out several times, and went back to church to ask god to help me... it felt good but as time went on I learnt that many of these church services are manipulating people into giving and reinforce the idea that if you cheer forward Jesus, listen to his music, help the needy you’ll be blessed.

When the pastors wife got throat cancer it was a big deal and everyone prayed and she was healed by surgery. (Praise god they said)

Not long after, a lady on the worship team got cancer and died in a few months, leaving a hubby and two kids behind. This wasn’t talked about much.. it was sad and she was loved, but it didn’t support the story they need to keep members engaged. Inconvenient outcome.

The pastor is a lovely guy, but he says the spirit tells him there is one more person who wants to put up their hand and accept Christ as the music builds during the weekly alter call. Everyone claps.

What rubbish!

I think it’s a great community but it comes with an expectation to give and help out and not to mention give financially.

For me, freedom isn’t going to church to spend the weekends talking about the same old thing... or hear all about amazing the next event is going to be so bring your friends along... that’s not freedom. You are being asked to market their programs...

I love people, I love helping people because it feels good and it’s a higher way to live. I also don’t expect god to see it, and bless me. I don’t want to weave it into a Sunday school service as an example of how to serve.

I don’t want to come across like I’m knocking Christians either... there are some fine humans in that crowd, but I just don’t believe we go up into heaven when we die. What rubbish!

What I do know... is that I don’t know.. simple. I’m ok with that:)