How do you manage your trauma response?
When you notice that you are in the midst of a trauma response, what do you do to pull yourself out of that response? Do you journal? Listen to music? Call a friend? What is your go-to method for self soothing?
I'll go first: If Im being honest, I'm still not great at recognizing I'm feeling triggered until the train has left the station. But...I have gotten better at self regulating faster than I used to be. Once I can ground myself enough to realize I'm frozen or I'm fawning, I tend to start by either reaching out to a friend via text (I hate talking on the phone-Hello social anxiety) or putting on a show I love and know well which kind of resets me (Schitt's Creek, Ted Lasso and Big Bang Theory are ones I've seen a million times so I know what's coming and it feels safe, like a warm blanket wrapped around me).