And We'll Grow (poem to my body)
Me and You don't always get along
Sometimes I think we try and walk to the beat of different songs
But when I've let you down
You've held me up
And though I've bumped and bruised and broken You
You've shown me that You're tough
I've battled and fought You in every way
But this time I promise to try and listen to what You have to say
I'll give You the fuel You need, and You'll grow And become the body I need and so,
Together We'll thrive;
no need to fight
When I fuck up or you fall down
We'll just say "it's ok, I know"
And We'll grow.
#AnorexiaNervosa #EatingDisorders #EatingDisorderRecovery #Relapse #growth #coeliacdisease #CeliacDisease #Hope #Poetry #poems #writingtherapy #affirmation #Diagnosis #AutoimmuneDisease