thank you i really do appreciate my #affirmation #MightyTogether #bpdsafezon @bpd123 @shannonv @adorablesheep6799 @clark1979 @rubyfinch50096
thank you i really do appreciate my #affirmation #MightyTogether #bpdsafezon @bpd123 @shannonv @adorablesheep6799 @clark1979 @rubyfinch50096
#MentalHealth #affirmation #MightyTogether #ADHD #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder
i really needed this thank you xhx
Iv had a stressful day, my mh has been off the scale, like i don’t even know how to describe to you how my physical health conditions are not being taken seriously because of it!
i’m living in a forever cycle of being fobbed off and just want you to know you’re not alone, you are important and don’t let others ruin your day like mine.
I appreciate this #affirmation today. I have an MRI (with contrast) scheduled for early morning tomorrow. It was scheduled over a year ago, so I am dealing with the anxiety of maybe not getting answers from this MRI. Or getting scary answers. Also not a fan with the loud and small space. #CheckInWithMe #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #CerebrospinalFluidLeak
This morning's #affirmation helps me stay present & open to things while I am awaiting a couple significant tests and referrals to specialists. #findthejoy #Undiagnosed #searchingfordiagnosis #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #MentalHealth
Oooh, this #affirmation is a needed one today. My left shoulder & arm are giving me so much pain today, and I think it's because I slept wrong 😭#EhlersDanlosSyndrome