Eating Disorder Recovery

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Eating Disorder Recovery
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10 Things I Wish I Knew About Recovery

Recovery is Nonlinear: It’s normal to have ups and downs. Setbacks don’t mean failure; they’re just part of the journey.

Progress Over Perfection: Focus on small victories and progress, rather than striving for perfection. Every step forward counts.

Self-Compassion is Key: Be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a friend.

Seeking Help is a Strength: Don’t be afraid to ask for help from professionals, friends, or support groups. It’s a sign of strength, not weakness.

You Are More Than Your Eating Disorder: Your worth isn’t defined by your body or your eating habits. You have intrinsic value just as you are.

Healthy Relationships Matter: Surround yourself with people who support and uplift you. Positive relationships can make a huge difference.

Self-Care is Essential: Prioritize self-care activities that nourish your body, mind, and soul. This includes rest, relaxation, and doing things you love.

Celebrate Milestones: Recognize and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Acknowledge your hard work and dedication.

Mindfulness and Being Present: Practicing mindfulness can help you stay grounded and present, reducing anxiety and negative thoughts.

Recovery is Possible: No matter how long you’ve struggled, recovery is attainable. Believe in your ability to heal and reclaim your life.

These insights can provide hope and encouragement on your path to recovery. Remember, you are not alone, and every step you take is a testament to your strength and resilience.

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How do the holidays affect your recovery?

When the holidays roll around, it can impact those of us in recovery in varying ways. During this time of year, there may be new pressures and unhelpful influences, or new opportunities to practice boundaries and prioritize our self-care and needs. Personally, I know I have to communicate with my family more about my energy levels and triggers to avoid burning out or getting too overwhelmed.

What about you? Whether it's positive or negative, how do the holidays affect your recovery?

Feel free to share your experiences below! 💌

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What’s your relationship with substance use disorder?

Substance use disorder is a multidimensional condition that affects people in different ways.

Mighty staffer @chronicallymeh states in her new Mighty article — "What is Substance Use Disorder?" — that "it’s not just a bad habit; it’s a complex interplay of psychological, social, and biological factors significant affecting an individual’s life." Whether it affects you or someone you know or love, know that you aren’t alone and there’s hope for recovery.

📖 Want more insight and information? Read the full article from @chronicallymeh here:
What Is Substance Use Disorder?

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What Is Substance Use Disorder?

Let's get one thing straight: substance use disorder is a disease, not a character flaw or choice.
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What was the last milestone you achieved in recovery?

We’re all in different places in our recovery and that’s 100% OK. Every metaphorical step we take and every milestone — big or small — we meet is worthy of recognition and celebration. No matter where you are at in your journey, know that you’re a champion and we’re super proud of you🏆.

Let’s cheer each other on in the comments below 🎉.

💌 Gentle reminder: If you’re in recovery from an eating disorder, please do not disclose specific numbers or details for body weight as it could be triggering to others 🌸.

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weight whore

I am at my heaviest weight I have ever been. I suffered through anorexia in my teens and early 20’s and had to have two blood transfusions at 21. During my during my healing, I was diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder. I am a survivor of incest, rape, physical and sexual violence, and extreme bullying. I relied on drugs and alcohol in my younger years due to this, which, in turn attributed to my illness. My medication caused extreme weight gain. I went from the skinniest I had ever been to the heaviest I have ever been in the matter of less than two years. Going from one extreme to the next was extremely depressing. My boyfriend says he loves me just the way I am. I’m learning to believe him. #Bipolar1 #BipolarDepression #Incest #Rape #SexualViolence #SexualAssault #Anorexia #EatingDisorder #EatingDisorderRecovery

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Cramping is horrible— practically unbearable #BulimiaNervosa

There is no enjoyable aspect of bulimia but the most physically painful is the cramping. The pain has started becoming so bad. I’m watching tv and just trying to not binge. I only need to eat a healthy amount and relax. It’s going to be ok, I am stronger than my thoughts. #EatingDisorder #EatingDisorderRecovery #BulimiaNervosa

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How To Get Out of Youe Head and Into Real Life

I have been in recovery from alcohol and drugs for almost 4 years now. I also struggled with anorexia and bulimia for years. I am now in recovery for everything, and life is getting better day by day.

I finally took a step back to see what everyone else saw. I have journaled regularly for years, and going back through them has been heartbreaking. A couple of months ago, I saw some pictures of me that actually scared me. I struggle witg body dysmorphia and have for a long time. Seeing those pictures, all I kept thinking was "This is not me, i don't look like that.' But it was me. I made a deal with myself that day that I was going to use the 12 steps in the same way I did for my addiction to help myself. I already knew what to do because I have already been in treatment multiple times. I started out slowly eating small but nutrition packed things, and eventually added til I was up to a safe BMI. I am "in the clear" now because my BMI is in the normal area. But that doesn't mean I'm healed and recovered fully. I still struggle. I have my days. But as long as I take it one day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time, I get through the toughest parts and can continue on with my life. I still don't like pictures and probably never will, but I'm ok with that as long as I can continue this journey of yoga, meditation, meetings, and processing my emotions instead of pushing them down and using negative things to cope. #MentalHealth #EatingDisorderRecovery #AnorexiaNervosa #freedom

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I’m fat and beautiful and it’s got nothing to do with you :p

I’ve had an eating disorder and body image issues since as long as I can remember. I’ve been fat, average size and really quite small but always thinking that I am fat and gross. I am now fat again and still feel disgusting. But that’s the problem. Fat doesn’t equal disgust because if it did I would have felt beautiful when smaller and I didn’t. It’s all a load of bollocks.
So, I’m determined to work on feeling beautiful and not losing weight or getting fit. Everyone around me ultimately thinks that you must be fit and healthy to love yourself. They may not outright say that but I hear well enough. People’s bodies have nothing to do with anyone else, but people love to project. I’m sick of it.
I’m not optimistic that the world and society will get any better, in any way possible but, I can for myself. #BodyImage #fat #Selflove #EatingDisorders #Confidence #Autism #EatingDisorderRecovery

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What gives you hope in recovery?

Living a life in recovery isn’t always easy. Some days may look different than others, and that’s OK — we’re here with you every step of the way.

As you continue on your journey, what would you say gives you the most hope to keep going? Maybe it’s a person, a pet, a volunteer opportunity, a job, or a relationship or boundary you’ve maintained that’s historically proven difficult.

📚 If you need some inspiration, check out Lauren Griffis’s story here:
How My New Job on the Other Side of the Criminal Justice Sys...

P.S. Wherever you are in your recovery journey, we’re super proud of you ❤️. Sending a bunch of Mighty hugs 💌.

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How My New Job on the Other Side of the Criminal Justice System Impacts My Recovery

A survivor of childhood sexual abuse shares her journey of healing and recovery.
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What’s your #1 tip for healing in recovery?

Recovery — no matter the type — looks different for everyone. It’s in no way linear. Different days may require different resources, tactics, and support, that’s totally valid and OK to experience.

If you could give any advice or tips for healing in recovery, what would you share? What has been the most beneficial for you?

Sending over lots of love today. We’re always rooting for you!

💌 Need a relatable story? Checking out Colleen Bartlett’s story may be helpful! Read it here:
6 Strategies for Healing in Eating Disorder Recovery

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6 Strategies for Healing in Eating Disorder Recovery

4. "Use setbacks as data. They not only provide insights for the future, but can help get to the root of a reoccurring habit. Remember: the harder it is, the closer you are to something beautiful."
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