I suffer from Complex Post Traumatic Stress . My therapist wants to now go further and test me for Battered Wife Syndrome. I have been exhibiting all the symptoms. I am so afraid to delve that deep. My former abusive husband just doesn’t want me to go there. He still blames me for his abuse. #CPTSD #PTSD #BWS #Depression #Anxiety #ChronicDepression #ChronicFatigue #SexualAbuse #physicalabuse #coersive abuse and control of my mind, body and soul. #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #Narcissiticabuse #Brainwashing #ChildAbuse Why does he feel the need to control the narrative. He made me lie about everything that he has done to me and our children. Why does he want to keep this a secret from everyone. Is he clinically insane or ashamed? The abuse happened.