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My psychiatrist refused to sign my mental condition for driving due to being diagnosed bipolar. What can I do to be able to drive again? #Drivingagain

. I have driven before and feel fine when I’m on the road. My mother worries too much about me driving again. She thinks I might get into an accident or have an episode while driving.

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Celebrating Victories— Big and Small #CelebrateTheSmallWins #Drownoutthevoices #Fibromyalgia #Arthritis #Depression #Anxiety #PhoneAnxiety #ABlessedmother #Drivingagain #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #chronicpainsufferer #Cavedweller #Quiltdiver #fearful #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #ChronicFatigue #Focusonthepositive

I’ve overcome some major hurdles lately. I’m coping better and slowly emerging from “my cave” to engage with the world again. It’s still a HUGE struggle, but I’m having a few more victories.

Yesterday, my son took the day off work to help me leave the house, God bless him. I had to really push through the pain, fatigue, fear, anxiety, distractions and tears, but I finally got outside the front door, even if it was technically just before midnight (11:52pm)!!!! I was able to drive my car for the first time in nearly a year and go grocery shopping at the supermarket.

Earlier, I made urgent calls to my bank, and several others, to sort out a mix up — a huge thing for someone with phone anxiety!!!

These are all good things, right?

So why is it that in the back of my head, I have this “voice” saying... “Wait for it, your bubble is going to burst... This won’t last. You’re going to crash and burn, just wait and see.” 👺👹

Does anyone know what I’m talking about?

Please help me drown out this voice. I want to focus on, and celebrate, my victories — big and small. Having good days doesn’t mean I won’t have bad days in the future. It doesn’t mean I won’t lose a battle here and there. But I don’t want to waste me time and precious energy worrying about those negatives and miss out on today’s positives.