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Fear of death. Part 2. #

Thinking about death does not motivate me to live my life to the fullest, on the contrary... It makes me feel nothing. Indifferent to everything.
Because what's the point?
Furthermore, I wanna end it faster myself before something or someone else does...
It poisons my life, but there's no way I can fight it...
I can't escape my, body, my thoughts... My mind is killing me 😭

#MentalHealth #Fearofdeath #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder

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I have an ongoing fear of losing the ones I love the most, and in this case, it’s my parents, step parents, and pets. My first dog is an old girl, and we’ve had her since she was a puppy. While she still has energy and spunk, any day could be her last, and it’s hard to accept that reality. the same goes for my parents and step parents. While it’s gonna be a long time until they die, it’s ultimately gonna happen. it could be when they’re as old as 90, or it could be tomorrow in an accident.

I haven’t told them that this was my greatest fear, and I think I’m gonna address it with them sooner than later. It may not get rid of the fear for good, but hopefully it’ll be somewhat easier to cope with.

#phobias #Anxiety #CheerMeOn #Family #fearofloss #Fearofdeath


I keep having thoughts about my parents and other loved ones dying and getting killed too soon. I know they’re going to pass away someday, but I don’t want them to. I’m so scared to lose them. They’ve been my only best friends in life and have helped me with so much. I’m glad to be a apart of their family and I’m glad they’re apart of mine. I don’t want them to go. I want them to stay #Anxiety #Fearofdeath #Death

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Is anyone else a hypochondriac? I’ve never met another so I thought I’d try asking on here.

I have recently started developing hypochondriatic habits over the past few months maybe 7 or so months and have progressively been getting worse. It’s scary and I’m not sure how to go about it or really anything about it. I thought I’d post and see what anyone would say . Any advice would be helpful. Sharing stories is welcome too!! #Anxiety #HealthAnxiety #Depression #Hypocondriac #Fearofdeath #panic #help #CheckInWithMe