Femoral Acetabular Impingement

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Femoral Acetabular Impingement
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I need to vent

2 years ago I thought maybe with the back surgery, I would be done with the bad pain and trouble walking and standing. I thought gosh can I please finally be healthy... Now I'm dealing with new back problems from my tailbone to the first vertebrae under my skull. And my eyes are so broken. So much is going on with my eyes. I have an appointment with one of the providers tomorrow to discuss the X-ray results. Then I have an appointment with my neurologist next week. Then I have an appointment next month with my neuro-ophthalmologist . And my BHH nurse is freaking out about my HR being too high and she wants me to go see my cardiologist. And I'm having trouble scheduling my appointment with the new Endo. And I gotta find a pain management clinic soon. I'm really sick of being broken. Whatever I did to piss off the gods...

#thegodsmustbemad #BackPain #FemoralAcetabularImpingement #spinalbonespurs

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I don't like how I feel

Today wasn't a bad day by any means. I ate ice cream, I had 2 yummy cappuccinos. I got groceries. I had a good therapy session with Pauley and we did some really good journal prompts. But my back pain robbed me of my joy. I tried to make a cappuccino, a bottle of juice, and a sandwich... And I lasted 5 minutes before standing was too much to handle. I've spent 98 percent of the day sitting on my couch with pauley. I just got my last dose of Norco for the day. It was half of a 7.5mg Norco and the last 2 half pills I took didn't help. I know I need a whole pill at least once a day and then half each after. But she wants to stretch my meds. She wants me to use my tramadol but when the pain gets to 7 or 8 it doesn't work. My lumbar is really trashed. I gotta call my surgeon and see what they say. And then there's my eyes. Fuck my life. My vision keeps going double and it hurts. And I think I've been having absence seizures. I'm exhausted and every so often I just kinda space out and stare into the distance but I am not actually looking at anything. It hurts to focus my eyes. Like I'm straining my eyes. I'm just tired of being sick.

#BackPain #FemoralAcetabularImpingement #eyestrain #DoubleVision #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe

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On our way home

The appointment went great. Painless procedure. Then we talked about some meds that need increased dose. We're upping my lantus. And I told him how much humalog I have to take for results. He upped the dose for me. My caregiver had some questions about meds and she brought 29 bottles of old medicine to donate. Now we're on our way home.

#FemoralAcetabularImpingement #ChronicPain



I'm getting picked up in just under an hour. My caregiver is coming with me. I'm getting cortisone injections in both hips. I have to schedule another appointment for injection into my jaw. Both of my hips are really bad right now. Pain is shooting down my right leg. I showered and didn't sweat after. I'm not anxious or worried. I've had this done plenty of times. It'll be nice to see my doctor. He's also my caregivers doctor.

#Pain #ChronicPain #BackPain #FemoralAcetabularImpingement