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My hips are shooting pain down my legs and my back feels like I got kicked. And my tummy has really sharp stabbing pain in the left side. My caregiver put some CBD cream on my hips and back a few minutes ago so hopefully it helps. I haven't had a BM since Saturday.

What's your favorite kind of cookies? I think I prefer peanut butter cookies.

#BackPain #hippain #constipation

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Good morning... Or as I like to call it goodish morning

I got to chat with my girlfriend for a few minutes. That was nice. My neck and back really hurt. My caregiver is asleep so I gotta wait for meds. I'm gonna take half of a Norco and have her put some CBD cream on my neck and back. I still don't have a migraine which is good.

Last night my caregiver went through my totes looking for stuff. She found some things I forgot about. She found all 4 of my squeaky pickles, vape juice, and bone shaped cookie cutters!

#Caregiving #Relationships #BackPain #hippain

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I am throwing everything I've got at my pain today. My head is pounding, my back is shooting pain down my legs, my hips are stiff and achy. I took 2 Bayer, one Excedrin migraine, and half of a Norco. My ex girlfriend (I really should just call her my caretaker) put some CBD cream on my back and hips. The CBD cream took the edge off. I'm exhausted. I slept till after 10am. I shouldn't be tired. But pain is draining.

#Migraine #BackPain #hippain #Relationships

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I had to go outside to meet my caseworker cuz she brought me a box of testing strips. I was sitting on the sidewalk for 10 minutes. I know better than to sit on the ground but I wasn't listening to my inner voice saying "you're gonna hurt later". But gosh my hips are throbbing and my lumbar feels like I got kicked. Pain is at 7 right now. I'm still functional. My ex girlfriend is asleep so I gotta wait for meds and CBD cream.

#BackPain #hippain #hipimpingement #ChronicPain

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Ugh it's pain o clock

I woke up and I was really hurting. My hips and back hurt so much and I have a migraine. I was hoping my ex girlfriend would wake up soon so I could get a Norco but the pain is at 7 and I can't wait forever. So I took a Percocet. I don't know if it's going to help but I had to do something.

My fasting BG was 181.

#ChronicPain #Migraine #BackPain #hippain #Diabetes

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History of me

I've been sick for a long time. Long enough that I can't remember a time when I was healthy. I can't picture my life before all my health problems kicked in. I can't remember what I was like. What my hopes and dreams were. What I did for fun. How I spent my time. But this life has not been kind to me. #Migraine #CrohnsDisease #BackPain #hippain #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #CPTSD #schizoaffective has all been all I've known for so long. The constant daily stress and struggle... The not knowing if my day will go ok. I'm exhausted and feeling so lost and afraid that it will never get better than this. There's got to be more to life than suffering.

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'Shocking' lack of evidence on antidepressants for chronic pain'- New article from the BBC on a new review of previous studies on the topic

Kind of an inflammatory headline in my opinion 😅

As it could be read as: 'stop taking #antidepressants immediately as they don't help chronic pain AT ALL'.

When rather the review is suggesting:

A) Antidepressants have been prescribed for chronic pain for years and STILL there seems to be no clear or concrete understanding into how they help the pain of chronic pain sufferers.

B) Confusion into whether antidepressants do help the pain aspect of chronic pain.

C) As many suffers have [very unstandably] mental health issues they could be helping that. Making pain management easier 🤔

C) Which antidepressants is concretely better for chronic pain.

Article found here:
'Shocking' lack of evidence on antidepressants for chronic pain

Another wonderful day for chronic pain sufferers🙃

I joke.

It is better to have this awareness and recognition that ultimately MORE RESEARCH, DONE MUCH LONGER is urgently needed.

However, I do feel like articles like this arm those who are very anti-antidepressants. The NHS is definitely trying to move away from prescribing medication in general for chronic pain sufferers.

(In my opinion) though I believe this is more a money saving move than a research influenced change of course. As soon as I see CBT as an alternative I feel vindicated 😆

For those who aren't aware the NHS (largely to save money) prescribes CBT for literally EVERYTHING nowadays 🥲😔

#ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #ChronicFatigue #Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #CBT #Agoraphobia #AgoraphobiaWithoutHistoryOfPanicDisorder #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #BackPain #Jointpain #AuditoryProcessingDisorder #BladderIncontinence #InterstitialCystitis #Insomnia #Asthma #Prediabetic #HearingLoss #hippain #dissociation #NHS #Nice

'Shocking' lack of evidence on antidepressants for chronic pain

Hundreds of thousands are prescribed medication without enough scientific proof it helps, UK experts say.
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Trouble sleeping #Fibromyalgia #hippain #BackPain

I have fibromyalgia and it causes me to have severe hip and back pain. I have trouble sleeping because no matter what I do it hurts. Right now I’m having a flare up and I don’t see my doctor for another 2 weeks. Anybody have any advice or tips on how to sleep better? #Fibromyalgia #Pain #Advice


Naturally a clutz!

I’m such a natural clutz that I cause myself injuries doing normal stuff as I normally do it!

Yesterday I was walking and suddenly had my hip hurting. Absolutely no clue how or why, other than I was walking over slippery mud at the time and I now have a little bit of a bump around where I get the pain.

But ever since then, I’ve been in pain with my hip. It hurts to walk and it hurts to even sit down! So it was fun and games at work with my boss sarcastically saying to take time off. I neither want to or can afford to be unemployed so I’ve been working anyway.

Was hoping ibuprofen would make things better but it wasn’t of any benefit to me once it did kick in, so I think I’ll use voltarol or something instead tomorrow. Fun times.

Getting a little congested (that’s what I’m told by family it’s called) again but still better than it was.

#hippain #Injury #Pain #Injury


Any suggestions to help with hip pain? Not sure if it is coming from bone or muscle.

About two years ago I was told by one of my doctors that I have weak hips, I didn’t think much of it at the time because it was before my diagnoses and irrelevant. Or so I thought.
Fast forward to now and I have been noticing an increase in pain specifically my hips for the last few weeks. It doesn’t matter if I’m up doing stuff all day or taking it easy, the pain still lingers.
I started a few simple stretches the other day to see if they would help, I was hoping for more ideas. Thanks guys!

#hippain #Pain #MitochondrialDisease #CheckInWithMe #help #ChronicIllness #RareDiseases #InvisibleIllness