Chronic illness and cleaning is exhausting. #ChronicIllness #MS #fibromyalgiasufferer
Thank you for this group, I have recently been diagnosed with MS, on top of that I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, IBS, BPD, agoraphobia, severe depression, severe anxiety and bipolar. So my life is ruled by medication, these medications make my chronic fatigue unmanageable. For the last 9 days I haven't gotten out of bed, today I knew I needed to try and get out of bed and do some cleaning. I got up to make a cuppa tea which is my normal morning routine, to find my kitchen full of fruit flies 🤢 so I sorted out all my rubbish and have cleaned as much as possible. I am waiting for my shopping to be delivered, I feel so sick and I feel like a failure for not being able to keep on top of my housework. Sorry for the long post.