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Patience and Perseverance paid off

After over a year of dealing with harassment at work and then finally coming forward with the support, it is finally done. 3 weeks ago I went to HR finally on harassment by a co worker, at end of last week I was notified they were no longer working for the company. Such a huge sigh of relief knowing I was believed and that I could hopefully start moving on at work. Still work to do as this person had a dealing with me and now trying to find replacement for work and management, but myself and the other women can now move forward with our jobs.

#Work #Harassment #Anxiety #PTSD #MeToo #fightlikeagirl

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First flare of the year #Flareup

After having been in remission for more than 6 months I had my first flare... I went to my reumathologist and and had an IV, tens on my feet for Plantar Facitiis and an infiltration in my ribs due to cartilage inflammation...
I hope you feel better than me...
#LeukocytoclasticVasculitis #AnkylosingSpondylitis #PlantarFacitiis #Osteoporosis #Fibromyalgia #fightlikeagirl #LiveStrongandMighty #Flareup #CheerMeOn

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Made it through the year #CheerMeOn

This has been a extremely hectic year, had to cope with my own illnesses and my mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s... even so I try to be positive and happy... I have to thank God, my beautiful family and friends for having my back... I wish you all the best for the coming New Year, stay strong and Mighty.. #AnkylosingSpondylitis #PlantarFacitiis #LeukocytoclasticVasculitis #Osteoporosis #Migraine #fightlikeagirl #StayStrongandMighty

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Happy birthday to me! #Happybirthday

I’m thankful today, I celebrate 53 years of a wonderful life, I even celebrate my illnesses because they have made me who I am today... Blessings to all of you 💕💕💕 #AnkylosingSpondylitis #LeukocytoclasticVasculitis #Osteoporosis #Arthritis #fightlikeagirl

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life is better when you smile #AnkylosingSpondylitis #LeukocytoclasticVasculitis

Charlie Chaplin was right... just smile... many things that we go through may seem different if we approach them in a different way... we have to embrace what we are now, remember who we were and smile to our future #AnkylosingSpondylitis #LeukocytoclasticVasculitis #Osteoporosis #Migraine #Fibromyalgia #fightlikeagirl

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Become your best you #BeYourself #Ankylosingespondilitis

we’ve have reached that time of year where we look back to what we have done, what we didn’t achieve and to plan for next year... so I planned to get my life together, to come to term with my new me, not to complain (so much) about what can, must or can’t do...
just be yourself, be the best you can be... don’t worry about what others my think... just be happy 😊 #Leukocyclasticvasculitis #ReumathoidArthritis #Osteoporosis #fightlikeagirl

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Take each day as it comes... #AnkylosingSpondylitis #LeukocytoclasticVasculitis #Fibromyalgia #Osteoporosis #fightlikeagirl

After a very special week accompanying my husband to a Congress, I’m today paying the price... swollen feet, back pain, bruises on my legs... but I’ve decided that I’m taking it easy, take my meds, rest as long as my body asks me to... Face each day as it comes... #AnkylosingSpondylitis #LeukocytoclasticVasculitis #Fibromyalgia #Osteoporosis #fightlikeagirl


#AnkylosingSpondylitis #LeukocytoclasticVasculitis #Arthritis #fightlikeagirl Traveling with chronic illness

It’s so difficult to travel when you have a chronic illness, specially if it’s an “invisible one” had to travel with my hand luggage full of medical supplies as I’m to be out of the country for six months... you can imagine the face of the person when my bag went through the X-ray...!!! He was in complete disbelief (hahahaha) I had to magically appear my doctor’s prescription and medical note 📝