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Does anyone even care about actual artists anymore? | TW AI “art”, swearing, some all caps, suicidal ideation (please stop this madness)

I’ve sent a concern last year to Padlet about something that suggested that they were planning to implement something AI-art generated. When someone replied, they said this as part of their response:

“We aim to make Padlet a platform that is inclusive and respectful of all users, including artists. I apologize for any distress the template has caused. Your concerns about the ethical implications of AI art are important, and we take them seriously.

I will share your feedback with our team for consideration. Your input helps us improve and ensure that we meet all our users' needs and values.”

I was so relieved. I really thought that they’d cared. But a year later, aka today, I saw that Padlet’s comments included the option for “AI art” aka “I can’t draw”. Of course, I’m very pissed off. It’s as if my concern last year meant ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING to them, like it was some sort of joke of something!… so of course I sent feedback about this again just recently, will wait for a response. Unbelievable. It’s NOT an accessibility tool. It is just fucking stealing! What about that can some individuals not get through their heads?!

Please, world, just stop this fucking unforgiving “trend” called AI art…. so many attacks towards us and so many of our artwork is being used without any of our permission, CAN YOU FUCKING HEAR ME WORLD?!

(please don’t call me human, it actually gives me dysphoria, I non-pessimistic ally and spiritual identify as other, thanks!)

(Edit as of 3/2/25 - So I received a response and told me that they do in fact emphasize and will forward it to their product team. Thank GOD, I pray that something is done about this!! I literally almost planned to kill myself yesterday because I am so fucking sick of this. I’m so sick of this damn world already. One more disappointment from this society and I’m back to feeling suicidal again. I can’t deal with that rn.)

#StopAIArt #ScrewAIArt #ActualArtist #Anxiety #PleaseStopThisAwfulTrend #ArtistsAreHurting #angry #Furious #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #SuicideAttemptSurvivors

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One of these days…

I’ll move out of this country entirely and never come back… I hate the US with a passion more than ever now. Extremely disappointed, as an American myself. I’ve lost all faith for this country. I honestly wish I wasn’t American.

#sad #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #AutismSpectrum #MyAutismIsNotADisorder #OSTD #Furious #LGBTQIA #ScrewTrump

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Inconciderate & Uneducated... #Depression #BipolarDisorder

I am furious and hurt beyond words. At work today a person, in fact a Dr climbed into the character of a patient that (by the sounds of it) most probably suffers from depression. After going on about the patient she started "prescribing" meds. Making a mockery of depression and anti-depressants.

There I was standing, Bi-Polar, on meds and currently not in a very good space. I was fuming and just about to burst into tears. I kept my cool, I have to work in that theatre again...

I really wanted to wait till she was done and politely tell her that she should be considerate of the people around her, she doesn't know them and what she said was derogatory and hurtful. My Dad always says you should tell someone to piss off in such a way that they will enjoy the ride... I was so mad that I decided rather not to say anything. I'm afraid that by next week the whole of theatre will know about my diagnosis. People are cruel and don't understand. In the very same breath, now I'm mad that I didn't say anything!

What would you have done?

#drsshouldknowbetter #MentalHealth #Furious #CheckInWithMe



I'm furious.
I'm stuck in this cage,
And your ways are mysterious.

I'm tired of you saying, "I'm too busy for that, I'm too busy for this.
It's sad how much of you I no longer miss.

So go live your life while I fight for and rebuild mine.
No one need be the wiser,
We'll just blame it on my Lyme.