My bro's therapsit took it upon himself to help get my brother another therapist that can see him more than 1 time a month. I'm guessing he heard my voicemail i left to his pschatrist that my brother wants more 1 on 1 therapy and wanting that help. This other program was going to call a list of referrals for him to see when therapists were available but they never got back to my bro. So thank god his own therapist was willing to take the extra responsibility to help my bro find a therapist. My bro also had an appt with his pschatrist around the middle of this month. My bro mentioned to me last night that he thinks his current meds are making him feel weird so hopefully we can find some medication that can make him feel better. I'm trying to look on the bright side that he's going to be getting more therapy. My parents and I are very worried because he started gambling again last month and this month online and he lost thousands of dollars he had saved up. He only works part time and he's trying to do school. He knows he can't walk away when he wins. I tried to tell him today that maybe he can ask his bank to just decline transactions in the future that go towards the gambling website he uses but he says he doesn't want to do that and he wants to be able to at least gamble about $200 once in a while. His therapist even told him he needs to just do $200 and stick with it. But now he's down to just $1000 when he had around $10,000. It's very worrying because i'm 4 years younger and have more than him. Online it says OCD and obsessive gambling can go hand in hand and i can see that's what he has. He told me today it's hard when he's down about life cause then he really doesn't care which i already figured but it doesn't help. I wanna suggest maybe join a gamble support group but idk cause he still wants to gamble...
#ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #GAD #Depression #suicidal #Caregivers #GamblingDisorder