Hi! 😃💜💜
I’m new to the group!

Hope all of you are having a good day today! 😊💟

As the title states… I did NOT believe it when I received the #FNDdiagnosis !

I’m still having trouble grasping my neuros assessment of all my conditions & symptoms!….

Since I’ve been dealing with ALL my NEURO health issues since 2013 & she just met me last year!

— Can’t stand narrow minded tunnel vision non proactive & non helpful doctors! — #timetochangeneuros

Anybody else try to “forget” all their diagnosis ON THE DAILY??!!
— because it’s just too overwhelming & creates anxiety?

I try most days to push myself beyond the EXTREME pain & numerous symptoms & focus on ANYTHING ELSE to take my mind off my daily struggles & I’m sure you ALL do some of the same things!

— That’s it! lol 😜😎🥰

I hope each of you find JOY in your lives DAILY!😁😘

#HEDS #POTS #IIH #RheumatoidArthritis #DevicsDisease #wheelchairbound4x #OpticNeuritis #DoubleVision
#gastreoparesisSUCKS !! #PituitaryTumor #Diabetes #HBP #Asthma #COPD
#Anxiety #Depression #NeurogenicBladder #chronicUTIS #KidneyStones #toomanypillstotake !
#toomanydiagnosis !