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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Harrison_SVPP1. I'm here because I am the Sexual Violence Prevention Project Coordinator at The Arc of NJ. Always looking to expand my understanding of the IDD population and their needs!


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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is listeningandlearning. I'm here because I'm working with caregivers of the IDD community and I thought I could learn more here.


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Sad for Present and Future

I have no one to vent these thoughts to, so, I am posting here. I am sad that my daughter’s life is hard and limited. I am sad that my life is hard and limited to being her caregiver. I am, at best, an “okay” caregiver, going from bad to good, then back again. My sleep is irregular because her sleep is irregular. I am sad, afraid, and angry that there are almost no supports & services in this state for adults with IDD. I am sad that she developed Regression which lowered her skills and now is taking meds daily. And with every extra need she has, more doors close for her and me. I often feel there is no hope for her future which is also my future. I feel she is trapped and I am trapped. No hope, Few to no options. How can you focus on today only, when, you have to CREATE the future for your child? No point and no hope. She is between “low functioning” and “middle functioning” and needs help in restroom due to a colon disease plus regression, and meds 4 times a day. Very few options. She is pleasant mostly, so I am grateful for that. Going through motions with little to no progress. Where to turn?

#ParentsOfChildrenWithSpecialNeeds #sad


Is anyone familiar with Bipolar and Developmental disability? #DownSyndrome

My 32 year old son is exhibiting mood swings that are very concerning. He is unable to verbalize what he is feeling.  Is anyone familiar with bipolar in the IDD community?  His father, aunt and cousin had/have bipolar disorder.

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How do I make the font that I am desperately tr #how do i make the dmdont bigger so i can actually read what i am teying ti use my Dbt ools but they are trapped in my shame and guilt from trying to self soothe after puroosefully trying ti shut idd mt
