Improving mental health
Just over a month ago I packed up my life in the city and moved to the outback for my first full time job. I was terrified of everything that could go wrong. My paranoia was out of control just before moving and I would constantly think of the worst possible things.
Now I realise I made the right choice, I'm enjoying my job (most of the time) and my mental health has drastically improved, when I started seeing a therapist last year my anxiety was so high that even my therapist seemed surprised, and I had moderate depression. Now my anxiety is at a moderate level and my depression is rarely symptomatic. I don't remember the last time I had a panic attack. My OCD is still pretty symptomatic and my self-esteem and personal confidence isn't great but that's ok.
I honestly think helping others and learning so much is helping me. I'm an allied health professional and working with children in the community and clinic.
#MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Paranoia #Selfesteem #PanicAttacks #Work #improvingmentalhealth #improvement