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Just some food for thought

My therapist shared this with me today. He thought it might resonate with me. I shared it with some of my friends.

#InspirationPorn #Motivational #MentalHealth

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Inspiration porn vs genuine inspiration

I have a question I’d like to ask those with visible disabilities.

Where is the line between inspiration porn and genuinely being inspired by someone?

I’ve been bingeing this show called The Challenge. The contestants do a bunch of difficult physical challenges.

There’s this one contestant who has been on a few seasons who was born with a #LimbDifference Specifically he was born with one hand.

They don’t make a huge deal of it on the show, but a number of contestants have commented on how awesome it is that he’s a great athlete despite his hand.

On the one hand, his #Disability really does make a lot of the tasks harder for him. He says as much. On the other hand, it just feels awkward to have people say how incredible it is he can do what he does with only one hand.

I’m really curious what visibly disabled people think. Is it #InspirationPorn to praise him for doing well? Or is it just a logical observation? #visibledisability

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#CheckInWithMe #Disability #Blindness #InspirationPorn

A Day in the Life of a PWD (Person With a Disability)

Frame 1:
A woman wearing dark glasses and using a white cane is about to enter a crosswalk.
A man and his friend approach her.
MAN: Hey, let me help you!

Frame 2:
The man helps the woman across the street, while his friend pulls out a cell phone.

Frame 3:
The man returns to his friend.
MAN: Did you get all that?
FRIEND: Yup, should get a lot of 'Likes'!

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On Being Called "Brave"

People being proud of me for being brave feels like they're being proud of me for continuing to move toward the earth after jumping out of a plane--like, yeah, I'm glad it's happening, but I don't have much of a choice in the matter.

I always disliked being called brave. Not out of humility, but because the concept of bravery, and how people use it in a lot of contexts, doesn't make a lot of sense to me. (This isn't to say it's invalid if you do like or resonate with the term.)

To me, bravery is making a choice to do something that is good and/or to push through knowing there are ramifications you will receive and obstacles you'll have to overcome. Overcoming my mental illness or abuse did not feel brave to me, because I did not opt-in. I can guarantee you that if, before any of it happened, someone had presented me with the options to either go through it for any "good" that might come out of it, or not have gone through it at all, I would have chosen to not gone through it.

I'm sorry if that ruins your inspirational feeling. People like to hear people who have gone through shit say, "I would do it all over again because..."
》"it made me stronger"
》"it made me who I am"
》"It was god's plan for me" (🤢)
》"I would never have known how strong I was"
and on and on and on

People who consume the stories of people who have experienced trauma want to feel good by the end. It makes them feel uncomfortable if there's no "reason", or if the person who experienced trauma. but there's no reason for trauma. It shouldn't have happened.

I was not brave. I was a fought. Without choice.

What are you're feelings on being called "brave"?

𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 💪🏻♡

#Trauma #PTSD #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Brave #Stigma #InspirationPorn