After a mishap over the weekend where I didn't realize I'd gotten down to my last pack of Birth Control pills (taken to manage my #PolycysticOvarySyndrome ) I finally have my next pack of pills. In teh grand scheme of things, I only missed 2 days. But I'm a person who prides herself on always being "ready" like if I'm gonna run out of something -- be it my prescriptions or my next bottles of shampoo and conditioner, I generally stay on top of these things. So I was kicking myself that I let it slip. I was worried how it would impact my mood -- this would be the first time I had any alteration in my pills since I started taking my mood stabilizer. But I got through it! And I'm back on track today.
I'm grateful to have my meds back in order.
I'm grateful for how beautifully blue the sky was when I got up this morning.
I'm grateful for a co-worker who checked in with me this morning to see how I was doing -- really asking, not just the passing comment over cubicles.
Happy Tuesday, Mighties. I believe in us.
#52SmallThings #Anxiety #Depression #SeasonalAffectiveDisorder #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #GratitudeJournaling