My Epiphany Letter.....I Need My Life Back!
Sometimes, life with chronic illness can be overwhelming. It’s not always because of your disease either.
It’s often all the appointments, including doctors, allied health professionals, equipment trials, dealing with government departments, routine tests and procedures, etc. It can become a full-time job. Your body becomes your business, your place of work, and you can quickly feel as if you are losing all sense of illness/work/life balance.
In fact, you wake up one day and realise you no longer have a life, and each days agenda is being determined by anyone and everyone, but definitely not by you.
This was my epiphany when I woke up the other day. I had a list of upcoming events, life changing events in many regards, running through my mind.
In this podcast I share with you the epiphany moment I had, resulting in a life changing letter where I draw a line in the sand and take my life back!
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: My Epiphany Letter
#Podcast #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Epiphany #lifechange #Doctors #Lifebalance #Wellbeing #OccupationalTherapist