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Chronic pain is so unfair

When I first started getting sick four years ago, it started with stomach pain. I thought no bother just an upset stomach I'll live. Then a week passed then two weeks then three. I thought huh that's odd but I'll get over it soon. After two months passed I thought right okay I'll go to the doctor I probably just need antibiotics or something.

I was prescribed buscopan and lansoprazole. Sent for blood tests and handed in a few samples for testing for like helicobacter. But everything came back clear. After another two months went passed and I wasn't any better I went back to the doctor. A few more tests got told there wasn't anything wrong with me probably because of my weight and mental health. Got told to loose some weight and put on anti depressants.

I lost a bit of weight took the antidepressants and got on with my life. I silently got on with it and ignored the pain as best I could. Four months went passed and I was exhausted. I'm pretty sure the GP thought I was wasting his time. I mean 20 year old females who are overweight and have a history of depression and anxiety don't have any other issues? Right?

A year came and went I was still dealing with the pain and fatigue. My joints were hurting on top of it all too. I didn't go out with friends I didn't drink I had tried every diet I could come up with. Nothing so I found a different doctor. I was switched from paroxitine to fluoxetine. I also switched the lansoprazole to omeprazole. My pain didn't get any better so I stopped going to the doctor I mean you heard them? There is nothing wrong with you. It's been a tough few years, your just depressed.

A year and a half came so I thought here let's give the GP another go. Benefit of the doubt, this time I saw a female doctor she up my antidepressants, gave me propanol, switch omeprazole to famotodine and then esomeprozle. Finally she did something else that no other doctor did, I was referred to a gastroenterologist. They then did a endoscopy and found a few things but nothing serious. Things were looking up I was being taken seriously

Then I moved from Scotland to England I registered with a new GP and I was back at square one. The doctor thought it was my mental health so he referred me. On my last appointment with him I faked being happy and put a big smile on it was like I was trying to prove to him "hey look at me I'm happy but still in pain please help" he finally referred me back to gastroenterology.

For four years I've been living with this stomach pain, joint pain and more I do have bpd, depression, anxiety, PTSD autism and ADHD but apart from that no firm answers on what causes my pain. The worst part I've done this all alone when I had my endoscopy? My parents thought I went to a job interview. Like the doctors they think there is nothing wrong with me. Since I moved to England four months ago we haven't spoken.

I hate how lonely all of this is. I'm on 13 medications and I am exhausted. I spend most of my weekends sleeping. I don't drink, I'm vegan, I exercise when I can and I work full time. I do everything right everything I'm supposed to so I can be healthy and yet I'm not. Chronic pain is so unfair. #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #BPD #medications #Doctors #lonley

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Are the doctors trying to help you or just traumatize you even more?

When I was 15, I attempted suicide. After two weeks in the hospital, I got transported to a psych ward, and the things I’ve experienced there were HORRIBLE.

The staff was mean and shouting at us 24/7. Any smallest inconveniece made them bully us, degrade our persona and attact our selfesteem.

They used their guidelines against us and often twisted them to hurt us. This one time they just randomly perscribed me new medication without even telling me the name. So I refused to take it. And in response? They took advantage of the fact that they are allowed to make you undress yourself when under the suspicion of self harm, if it’s in your card. (Note, I did not have SH in my card) But it has to be the bathroom or somewhere private. Where they forced me to be naked instead was the middle of the hallway and the nurse even grabbed a young boy (7 y.o.) and made me stand in front of him. NAKED.

They were secretly listening when you were on your phone with family and then giving you punishments when overhearing any slightest complain.

So I’m curious. What is your experience with psych wards and the doctors? #PsychWard #Doctors #BPD #SuicideAttemptSurvivors

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Find local MS doctors and specialists with this searchable tool

The MS Society has an online search database to find local MS doctors and health facilities, plus a lot more useful resources if you scroll down the page.

#MSdoctors #Doctors #MultipleSclerosis #MightyTogether #ChronicIllness #newlydiagnosed #Disability #Caregiving

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An interesting development

#Doctors #Scoliosis Hi. How is everyone today? Before we officially go into fall I would like to share a interesting development that has quietly taken shape. I was looking through my test results & noticed one that was tucked in there. My spinal scans from the spinal specialist & whats hypocritical of him is when he told my mom that everything is normal. Yet the report said otherwise. They noted a dextroscoliosis of 26 degrees in my neck, a 13 degree levoscoliosis in my upper spine & a marked coronal imbalance measuring 18.1cm or 7 inches. So what does this mean? Well, a few things it means a rare form scoliosis called cervicothoraric scoliosis in combination with degenerative signs in the cervix & a laryngocele with other findings on brain scan this would point to a little known condition called klippel feil syndrome. BUT WAIT! there is one very profound problem nothing in my genetics mentions any gene related to klippel feil. however, this caught my attention. There is a locus on 8p22.2 that is known to cause laryngeal malformation. This condition is autosomal dominant. My mom has complained about hearing loss & a stooped posture in her neck for years that isn't being cured by chiropractics. Now I'm starting to wonder if my degenerative disc disease of the neck & these new findings will point us toward a new diagnosis. Unless it's just a spinal injury but considering the development of a zenkers diverticulum & prior pinched nerve causing dizziness (radiculopathy). It's also associated with jaw disorders like micrognathia of which I have.

Anyways, everyone. . .have a great fall & wonderful new year. ;)


Metabolic panel results

#ChronicIllness #Autism #Doctors So. . .here we go again. Results are abnormal for metabolism. We have done inborn error of metabolism to normal results. What. On. Gods. Green. Earth??? Low carbon dioxide(again lower than result done a year ago), high creatinine serum, slighty high A/G ratio (again), potassium (new, slightly low.) I don't know all it tells for A/G ratio is some kind of kidney, liver, intestinal disease. I'm seeing a G.I. Crossing my fingers that's she's nice. Neurologist is officially stumped as to what to do & I'm getting pretty pissed off. Since I don't technically have a gp (a care coordinator has been assigned to my case) I'm going to put serious pressure on the G.I to hopefully come up with something that makes sense because I'm to get autoimmune, endocrine, & infectious disease doctors...This is a medical nightmare. Forget crap like FND this, this is our monster! (squeals* I'm scared-) Let's see the face of this primary who told me my problem is transient!

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My Epiphany Letter.....I Need My Life Back!

Sometimes, life with chronic illness can be overwhelming. It’s not always because of your disease either.

It’s often all the appointments, including doctors, allied health professionals, equipment trials, dealing with government departments, routine tests and procedures, etc. It can become a full-time job. Your body becomes your business, your place of work, and you can quickly feel as if you are losing all sense of illness/work/life balance.

In fact, you wake up one day and realise you no longer have a life, and each days agenda is being determined by anyone and everyone, but definitely not by you.

This was my epiphany when I woke up the other day. I had a list of upcoming events, life changing events in many regards, running through my mind.

In this podcast I share with you the epiphany moment I had, resulting in a life changing letter where I draw a line in the sand and take my life back!

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: My Epiphany Letter

#Podcast #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Epiphany #lifechange #Doctors #Lifebalance #Wellbeing #OccupationalTherapist

My Epiphany Letter by Medical Musings With Sam

Sometimes, life with chronic illness can be overwhelming. It’s not always because of your disease either. It’s often all the appointments, including doctors, allied health professionals, equipment trials, dealing with government departments, routine tests and procedures, etc. It can become a full-time job. Your body becomes your business, your place of work, and you can quickly feel as if you are losing all sense of illness/work/life balance. In fact, you wake up one day and realise you no longer have a life, and each days agenda is being determined by anyone and everyone, but definitely not by you. This was my epiphany when I woke up the other day. I had a list of upcoming events, life changing events in many regards, running through my mind. In this podcast I share with you the epiphany moment I had resulting in a life changing letter where I draw a line in the sand and take my life back!
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quick update

#Genetics #Birthday #Doctors

Hi everyone. I emailed the receptionist for the genetics department & she told me that she has a June 21st appointment open. Granted I work that day but the significance of that day is it's my birthday. It will be both weird & awesome at the same time. Let me ask the audience: Have you ever had an appointment that just happened to be on your Birthday? Tell me in the comments below.

P.S I hope I didn't steal any mighty leaders thunder with that question.


Major update conclusion

#Doctors #Diagnosis #CTScan #MRI

(Part 2) So, where does this leave us with all findings? That's the thing. . .I got a strange call from a sympathetic receptionist a few days after the neuro appointment who seemingly understood my situation. She told me that he had reviewed my neurology report & was very interested in my case. She understood the medical gaslighting that was going on & she asked me, did your previous geneticist do a connective tissue panel? I gave the long answer of no. She told me he would like to see you when all these appointments are over because he has some ideas as to what we are dealing with here. Who was this person? The neurologist personal geneticist. All that's left besides pt is neuro follow up & I'm going to see this geneticist who is interested in my case. But you wanna know what makes him standout to me? His clinic was established as recently as 2021! 0_0

The original genetic testing didn't cover disorders of collagen function & I think I know what "some of his ideas" are. . .

All I'll say is watch this space. Summer is about to HEAT UP! Peace out everyone.


Major update

#Doctors #Diagnosis #MRI #ctscans

(Part 1) Hi guys & gals. Some very interesting developments have surfaced over the last few weeks & admittedly some worrying things. firstly, the neurologist appointment went fine but there quite a few new diagnosis that where made. Firstly I have conjugate gaze palsy, an Astasia Abasia due to what he thinks is FND, however at the end of his report he stated an unspecified ataxia. Your guess is as good as mine on that one. Lastly, he diagnosed me with a dilation of my ventricle that causes accelerated aging i.e dementia. He wanted to send me to physical therapy & they where nice so that's good. I saw the spinal specialist & this one. . .this one sent a chill down my spine literally. The examination went fine & he recommended botox injection from his clinic if the current rehab facility doesn't succeed. My poor mom said "we will exhaust all other options." That's what scared her, what scared me was when we talked about how this grade 2 cerebral palsy came out of nowhere. How did this cp flare up like this? He has no clue, well, I MIGHT & I DON"T THINK IT'S CP! I decided to join labcorp & was looking at previous blood results when I stumbled across one taken 10 months ago that showed my A/G ratio, sodium, carbon dioxide, hematocrit, & blood urine nitrogen where all off. It could have something to do with my adrenals & kidneys. Spinal wise they found cervical disk denegation, stenosis, bone spurs all along that region. Then the ENT told me to get more imaging & I had to wait another week because insurance... We found there was a laryngocele & diverticulum. There was no cancer which was our initial concern, instead the Ent said it was rare & congenital.

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Appointments coming

#Doctors #appointments

Good morning everyone. How are you all doing today? I wanted to share that I'm seeing 3 doctors within a 3 week period. An ent in 2 days, a neurologist in a week & a spine doctor in 18 days. I'm becoming a little anxious about each of these appointments for a few good reasons. There's lots of pressure on me to say the right things & explain to them that my problem is real & is affecting my quality of life. Problem is the issue that is causing me digestive issues, swallowing issues/clicking throat, grip issues, posture abnormalities, gait disturbance/ wide based gait, tinnitus, tmj etc. I have proof of the digestive symptoms yes ew, but they may be critical in figuring out if I have an infection or not. The neurologist will need to figure out on top of all that if radiological findings are just porencephaly or something more sinister.

My guess for the first set of problems is an encephalitis of some kind. I've read about how infections can be dormant then occur suddenly after stress, excercise etc. Before we moved houses I got a pinched nerve in my neck that with correction unleashed its wrath on my poor body. I'm hoping the neurologist can piece together whats going on there. Bloodwork, urine etc have comeback normal so I don't know how we are going to detect something that is getting harder to find? The spine doctor will need to figure out why I have a posture lean. The ent will need to figure out if my swollen lymph node & nodule are benign or cancerous. There's alot we need to figure out & its kinda overwhelming. I hope all will be revealed soon. I'll keep you guys & gals updated as I learn more. Have a great day.

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