Well I don't know what happened but my counseling appointment for Monday got canceled. I tried to call in this week but I haven't been able to reach the front desk cuz they're working from home because of the virus and instead of getting a busy signal or put on hold it says it's unreachable. I didn't think about till this morning but it's early morning so I sent my counselor an email and email address is gone.
She's missed a lot of appointments and had other stuff she had to do this last few months. So I guess that means she's fired. Or quit or whatever happened.
I only have her for a few months now so. She wasn't that great at least notlike the last one I had there. I mostly use counselor for help with social situations and she wasn't that good at that. She was good at managing my case.
well hopefully I can call up Monday and get a new counselor. Niww that I know what I got to do.
a new counselor is always a pain but it's not like it makes a lot of difference for me because I got a good tool box full of all the things I need to take care of my mental health and I know how to use them all I just need some guidance on which ones I'm should be using and some help with social situations.. need somebody to look and see if I'm having intuition or mania. Somebody tell me if I'm having depression because of an event or not. because the solution in a different if it's about an event that I need to address that event. If it's just clinical then I just got to take care of myself and wait it out.
But anyway it's just waiting till Monday now to see if I can get a new counselor
#menthealth #Counseling #Bipolar1Disorder #Autism