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Some people have dogs…

I have a quasi Jedi Master who uses his force to fight zombies!

They are apparently all around our house, most active at night—and this being October and all, darkness is spreading across the land, the midnight hour is close at hand... Zombies crawl in search of blood, to terrorise our galactic neighbourhood.

Hence his need for many naps.

Like Anakin Skywalker before him, The Duke is also in favour of embracing his Dark Side, especially when us Protocol Droids malfunction, and do not adequately anticipate or cater to his needs.

But the moment he senses something lurking in the dark and the beast about to strike, he rushes to my side like “Halp me Mom-Kenobi, you’re my only hope!”

#Dogs #MightyPets #MightyTogether #TheMighty #Fun #Halloween #MightyLaughs #Humor #humour

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My graceful, shaggy pups 🤣

Pheobe (top) and Pyper just had a bath and they arent very happy about it. Pheobe just keeps staring at me in disappointment and Pyper has crazy eyes as she shakes all the water off 😂😂

#Anxiety #Depression #Epilepsy #OtherMentalHealth #MightyPets #MightyLaughs #Mightyhumour #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #SchizoaffectiveDisorder

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I laughed way more then I should have...🤣🤣

My sister is planning on trying to have a baby soon... and were constantly talking about baby stuff now like names. I saw this on pinterest and couldn't stop laughing. I had to send it to her and post this cuz this is something I would think of.
Im a tad🤏 evil 😈.

#Anxiety #Depression #MightyLaughs #Mightyhumour #OtherMentalHealth #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #SchizoaffectiveDisorder

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Sunday Giggles

I love how this bird is just sitting there and then discreetly looks around to see if anyone is watching before he dives into the chocolate fountain....
I am this bird 🐦🤣

#Anxiety #Depression #Epilepsy #OtherMentalHealth #COVID19 #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #MightyLaughs #Mightyhumour

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Yesterday there was a post that asked who your fave comedian is. One of mine is a comedian that is a ventriloquist named Jeff Dunham.
That led to me watching some of his comedy shows on netflix and finding a meme to post for you 😁I have even seen him live and he is amazing.
Walter is my fave character that Jeff Dunham does. He reminds me of my late father inlaw that passed away last summer. I could swear this character was based on him. He was one of those cranky old guys who seemed to hate everyone but a select few (me being one of them🙂), he was kinda mean but still funny and you couldnt help but love him anyway.
If you haven't seen any of his shows go give it a shot, it will definitely make you laugh. If you have seen him, whos your fave character?

#Anxiety #Depression #Epilepsy #OtherMentalHealth #COVID19 #MightyLaughs #Mightyhumour #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #SchizoaffectiveDisorder