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#52SmallThings Kindness

It was a tough week. I had several panic episodes and, although I’m still recovering i achieve the goal which makes me so proud of my self #morethanworthy .
For me: I got out of bed, and right now I’m waiting to get my manicure done. (It’s so hot in argentina!)
For a love one: yesterday i cooked for my mom some pancakes (gluten free), watch with her another episode of Good Girls and concentrate on her laugh after watching her so tired the other night trying to take me out from panic.
For a stranger: I wrote a Message to someone here who was having a bad day. I was in tears but i knew i need to do that for her and for me. SHE REPLY! And that fill my heart with happiness in the middle of my storm!

#52SmallThings #MentalHealth #PanicAttacks #loveyourself #Bekind #bekindtoyourselves

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#touching on #morethanworthy

If I had to say I am #morethanworthy
I am #morethanworthy  because, before I was even born,
#godkneweveryhairofmyhead , even in my mother's womb.
I am #morethanworthy because even with my #Pain , #Scars , and my #brokenness , I have touched others' lives in #Love and #openness .
I am #morethanworthy  because whether or not I realized it,
there was somebody #waitingformetotouchtheirlife with a #sharedexperience  that would help shape both of us.
You are #morethanworthy ,too. Somewhere, some time, somebody
waits for #yourtouchontheirlife , whether it will be permanent, or a fleeting gift given in passing. Both will make a mark.
We are #morethanworthy because, to quote a #dickenscharacter ,we really are all "...fellow passengers to the grave,and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys."We all share this life as long as we're here, and we can #choose how we will live it with others. #choose to be #morethanworthy .