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Going out out #Shopping #Checkitout

Shopping is the new out out these days

This young lady took it to a new level

Going out make it count 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅😅💜💙❣❤💞💟🥰😅
#laughterisgoodmedicine #Fun #Love #Giggles #Stylingit #Makeitcount #Havingfun #Bekind #bekindtoyourselves

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Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!! #CheckInWithMe #MorningRoutine #Clothing

Good Morning Mightys

I am on week 7 of staying safe at home. As my pic says, clothes have slightly changed as I live alone. Mainly pj's and lounging clothes.
Not a single outfit has been worn or bra or makeup.
I haven't worn any shoes only slippers or flip flops.
I haven't done my hair, it's been washed and put up in a bun or ponytail.

🧡😀😁 So this could become My new norm.

I might start a new fashion trend in my little part of the world 🌏

How about You.?????? What's your new norm !!!!!!

Love hugs kisses n more Tj
#Bekind #Stayingsafeathome #Loneliness #Fun #Love #laughter #RareDisease #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #funclothing #laughterisgoodmedicine #bekindtoyourselves #Loveyourselffirst


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#Depression #Bipolar1Disorder #TemporalLobeEpilepsy #Anxiety

I will NOT give up! I’ve been battling bpd1, temporal lobe epilepsy, depression and anxiety since I was 17 I’m 32 now. Hospitalizd 8 times. Therapist twice a week for a year and NOW we (there are several of me😂) only see her once a month. Take my meds as prescribed and refuse to change it as I have been on literally everything South Africa has to offer.
I’ve been medically boarded so I sell fudge I bake myself. There is ALWAYS a way!
YES I do get my days and on those I take it easy, slowly, be kind to myself. Then....I lie down and pray that Jesus will just keep His hand over my life and help me navigate through this crazy thing called life. #pleasedontgiveup #bekindtoyourselves #youwillovercomeit #Takeitslow


#52SmallThings Kindness

It was a tough week. I had several panic episodes and, although I’m still recovering i achieve the goal which makes me so proud of my self #morethanworthy .
For me: I got out of bed, and right now I’m waiting to get my manicure done. (It’s so hot in argentina!)
For a love one: yesterday i cooked for my mom some pancakes (gluten free), watch with her another episode of Good Girls and concentrate on her laugh after watching her so tired the other night trying to take me out from panic.
For a stranger: I wrote a Message to someone here who was having a bad day. I was in tears but i knew i need to do that for her and for me. SHE REPLY! And that fill my heart with happiness in the middle of my storm!

#52SmallThings #MentalHealth #PanicAttacks #loveyourself #Bekind #bekindtoyourselves

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Sharing my #Selfcare go-tos! Tell me yours too!

In no particular order
(Things I do when I need a moment of peace or joy during a hard time)

Take a bath
Do my nails
Drink peppermint tea
Stretch a bit
Go for a walk outside
iPhone photography
Writing poetry
Using my weighted blanket
Listening to outside sounds.
Sitting on my dock
Watching silly tv shows
Sing along with my favorite songs
Petting my cat
Reading nonfiction
Reading about my favorite authors and artists on Wikipedia
Re reading a favorite book
Making a fire in the fireplace
Being near my boyfriend
Listening to my boyfriend practicing guitar
Riding in a car
Playing card games
Focusing on my breathing
Using my five senses to stay grounded
Walking my dog
Taking a shower
Playing with thinking putty
Talking to a close friend
Getting some sunshine
Listening to music
Listening to podcasts
Drinking sipping chocolate
Wearing fuzzy socks
Wearing comfy pants
Rocking in a rocking chair
Trying to do something nice for someone
Looking at old photos
Looking at art on Instagram
Using a heating pad on my shoulders
Putting som lavender or peppermint oil on

That’s all I can think of but I have more.
I’ll post more if I think of them

What are your go to self care tips for when you’re having a bad day??

#MentalHealth #Anxiety #AnxietyDisorder #Depression #BipolarDisorder #Manic #BipolarObsessiveness #Bipolaranxiety #MixedState #RapidCyclingBipolarDisorder #InvisibleIllness #ChronicIllness #chronicmentalillness #Mentalhealthselfcare #Myselfcare #bekindtoyourselves #MentalHealthDays