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So my babe had a relapse, quite an aggressive one, am I too stressed?

HI guys, my girlfriend had been diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, please see the link I shared to get an idea of what had happened. Is it normal for recovery after relapse to take this long? What do patients with MS need and want from their partner? What should I avoid doing? I miss her so much, I feel like she hasn't been herself since the relapse but her personality is slowly but surely turning back to normal.

#MultipleSclerosis #relationshipsandms #MS #mswarriors

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Brand new to this…so here goes!!

Looking to both gain and give support to others who understand; share my story and learn yours. Anyone out there with these?? #MultipleSclerosis #MS #mswarriors #BipolarDisorder #Depression #Anxiety #msflareup


Feeling multiple sclerosis

Feeling Multiple sclerosis
I want to be well
Please, I pray to heal me
Let me be me again.

I miss myself
I miss being healthy
I feel I'm dettererating
From inside out.

I was once a strong individual
Who was never scared to get back up
From crashing so hard to the ground
Barley able to lift a single limb
Yet alone my body back up
Is detramental

To accept this new life
As good, as strength
Is not acceptable in my mind
My body deserves more

My soul deserves to be pain free
My life deserves to break these chains
Weighting me down with disease.

The constant battles
Of if I can or cannot
If so how long
What do I need to prepare for
Is waring thin.

I once wore scars proud
To show others how strong I was
Now my scars are all on the inside
Affecting my thoughts actions words and breath.

A little more each day
As each day new scars form
Never to show
Only for me to know.

I want to be well
Please alow me to be me
To be judged no more
Of the shape
I am in.
#mswarriors #msfamily #Inspiration #innerstrength #invisibledisease #Awareness #innerstruggle #Spoonie #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Understanding #humanity #budaswarriors