I actually have "love" tattooed (in my own handwriting) on the inside of my right arm as a reminder to myself and as a statement of pride for being apart of the #TWLOHAmovement myself. I have a diagnosis of treatment-resistant #BipolarDisorder, #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder, #PanicDisorder, #ADHD, #Anxiety#PMDD , #PTSD and #ChronicPain due to #DegenerativeDiscDisease. I wrote a Valentine to myself that recognizes five of my major strengths: my loyalty, my determination, my creativity, my resilience, and my empathy for all creatures. #TattooReminders #lovetattoo #valentineforme #myfivestrengths #strength #loyalty #Determination #creativity #resilience #Empathy #empath#treatmentresistant #PTSD 