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Using a Rollator in your 20’s

I had physical therapy today and it went well. Today I tried a new mobility aid: a Rollator.
This Rollator was given to me a couple weeks ago, and since I’ve gotten it every time I’m out in public. I’ve been seeing the exact Rollator. I have being used by mostly elderly men…. Probably in their 60s and 70s or older.
And as a girl in her 20s, it makes me feel super insecure. Since becoming a full-time user, I’ve developed anxiety going out in public. I don’t wanna go up by myself and now that I have this walker I’m even more embarrassed.
And today, my physical therapist told me with how well I used it, but it’ll most likely be the mobility aid I’ll have and use for a very long time; either this or a wheelchair- depending on how my mobility pans out.
This is a big problem I’ve noticed with mobility aids, it’s not geared towards young people or socially acceptable for young people. Wheelchairs are getting better. But anything outside of that like a walker, a cane, crutches, or rollator; It’s not socially acceptable for younger people, and I hate it. But this is my life now, and I’m really struggling.

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Emok. I'm here because my daughter suffers from anxiety, OCD, and depression. She was diagnosed with PANDAS which causes neuropsychiatric disorders. The OCD has become really strong. She suffers from intrusive thoughts. Naturally I want to assure her that the thoughts aren't really who she is, they are not her reality but I am lost on what strategies to use and when or even what they are. I seem to freeze up anymore and question any reaction I have. Am I going to make it worse? How do I remember what to do?


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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is Melissa. I have Behcet’s Disease. I’m also a mother to 3 children with special needs and a former Special Education teacher. I want to learn more about my disease and help spread awareness about other rare, chronic illnesses. I’d also like to help educate other families towards becoming better advocates for their children.
#Behcet 's Disease #Autism #PANS /PANDAS

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is Melissa. I have Behcet’s Disease. I’m also a mother to 3 children with special needs and a former Special Education teacher. I want to learn more about my disease and help spread awareness about other rare, chronic illnesses. I’d also like to help educate other families towards becoming better advocates for their children.
#Behcet 's Disease #Autism #PANS /PANDAS

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Eating habits and depression

I find it really difficult to eat healthy when I'm depressed (which is all the time for the past few years) and it creates a terrible cycle that makes me feel worse.

Some things I'm trying to help myself are:

-Buying frozen vegetables. I often get produce and then lose all my motivation to cook and just watch them slowly go bad in my fridge, which makes me feel guilt

- Using paper plates. I know it might be wasteful but I realized that I would avoid eating meals and just eat random snacks because I didn't want create dirty dishes. Now if only there were paper pots and pans....(jk)

Can you relate to this? What types of things help you?

#MentalHealth #Depression #DepressiveDisorders

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The "boot camp" that formed my OCD

Being raised as a slave is torture! Once my mom married my step dad, things dramatically changed for me. I was forced to do ALL of the housework. My mom worked long hours & I was primarily "taken care of" by him. Meaning I was beaten & forced to clean each room of the house top to bottom. I'm talking about with a toothbrush sometimes. MY toothbrush to be exact. (No I would not use it again for myself. I'd wait until the day we went grocery shopping to recieve a new one.) I HAD to make sure I was doing EVERYTHING correctly or else I'd get beat & then have to start over. There was one time i missed a rough spot on a plate while doing dishes & he went to check my progress. Literally looked at each dish & found the spot I missed. He took EVERY DISH out of the cupboard, including all the pots & pans & other appliances like quessadilla maker etc. & made me re-wash EVERYTHING & he stood there in the doorway watching me with arms crossed.

He would make me scrub the baseboards & cracks in the floors, corners of the walls from floor to celing, air vents, light fixtures, behind the toilet... etc. WITH A TOOTHBRUSH. Sometimes forced to use my own because I would clean so much that sometimes we ran out of old toothbrushes...

I had to make sure EVERY surface in the house was SPOTLESS or face the fury... so (now 31years old) still clean this way & if I don't do it right the 1st time I have panick attacks. One day I wasn't feeling like doing anything. I was so burnt out. I skipped out on all the chores. My husband was about to be home & I FREAKED TF OUT! I was sobbing when he came into our bedroom. He asked why & I just kept repeating I'm sorry. For not cleaning this & that & doing this or that... blah blah blah. Had to explain what the hell I was going on about. That's one of the 1st glimpses of my panick attacks for him... but he explained to me that what I went through was NOT OK & NOT NORMAL & he doesn't care if things are a little messed up. He didn't MAKE me do anything! We went out for ice cream instead! lol

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Which type of gifts are your favorite to receive?

🥘 Practical items, like pots and pans
🪴 Plants, I like something to care for
🎉 Fun, something you’d never buy for yourself
👔 Clothing or something to wear
🍕 Food or beverage
🎟️ Experiences, like a concert or tickets to the zoo
🖼️ Something sentimental, like a framed photograph
💌 A handwritten note
🤷‍♀️ I’m not really a gift person

#DistractMe #MightyMinute

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is carolk1955. I'm here because I am in a wheelchair because I had 2 spinal surgeries last year and cannot walk. I also have a cat whose litter pans need to be cleaned and I live alone. I welcome any tips on litter box cleaning and housekeeping I can find here.


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