It's been a while since I've felt part of a community, and it feels good. I'm diagnosed with primary progressive MS and have been using a wheelchair for a long time now. That's part of my life and it's shaped who I am, and my life continues to grow. I'm blessed with a wonderful wife, with family and friends who we see from time to time. I'm lucky.
What I miss though since going on disability and spending most of my days in a room in front of a computer, is community. People who you work with or who you see going to and fro, joining clubs, going to clubs, card games with the guys, walking around the neighborhood or going to the supermarket: all of these are places you rub shoulders with others, and they get winnowed down, down, down as it becomes harder and harder to get around. Over the years, they add up, people disappearing from my life, thousands of interactions lost.
So I work hard that the isolation does not overtake me, even if I cannot see them or shake their hands or hug them. I want to stay engaged, listen to what's going on with others, to trade ideas and lift each other up. And that's why I'm grateful for The Mighty and for you being with me now. Please introduce yourself and let's follow each other and bolster each other on our journeys! #Disability #MS #ppms #MultipleSclerosis