It's Getting Harder
Hi Everyone!
I am Amina and I was diagnosed with MS in 1998. My life progressed as normal but for the constant fear that my MS might one day look like my mom's did -- the absolutely worst form of PPMS. So far it hasn't turned out that way.
Though I, too, have PPMS, the progression was really slow allowing time to accept and adjust. In the last four years the progression has been faster. Now I use a wheelchair and and there are numerous other losses of abilities. Everything I do is difficult. The only two acute events were an episode of optic neuritis and a very recent loss of most of the strength and dexterity of my dominant hand. Of everything, the hand is the single most devastating, -- except for the abject loneliness and isolation.
I survive by being grateful that my MS hasn't ravaged my body and my self as badly as it could have. I go about my life and do what I can. I have my difficult feelings but life isnt going to stop just for me. Once I've gotten out of the bed, the ball is set in motion. No matter how sad, lonely, or miserable I feel, the ball keeps rolling because the alternative is unthinkable.