prinzmetals angina

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Life is full of irony!

Today marks the first anniversary of the death of my brother. It is also my dog's 2nd birthday. I miss my brother yet I am so happy my dog Hans came into my life. When my brother first passed, I was in such denial that I didn't even shed a tear for several months. I actually didn't believe that he was actually dead. I still doubt sometimes even though I saw him, touched him, read the death certificate and the entire autopsy report. I suppose my mind is trying to protect me. Every time I feel sad because my brother is gone or feel bad because I wasn't able to mourn as I thought I should, Hans does something goofy. His personality actually reminds me of my brother. He's a constant reminder to me that life does go on and even though I've lost a lot, there are many reasons to keep going. Today I resolve that I will do my best to focus my attention on good while still acknowledging my losses. I believe that it can be accomplished. If I am going to give more power to one emotion over the other. Happiness should be more powerful than sadness. I pray that I am able to remember that. #generalanxietydisorder, #Depression , #ChronicMigraineSyndrome , #OccipitalNeuralgia , #Fibromyalgia , #Gastroparesis , #Diabeticpolyneuropathy , #PrinzmetalsAngina ,#Asthma ,#HeartAttack , #diplopia


Explaining pain?

Does anybody else have trouble explaining pain to Drs & others? I sometimes find it hard to put my pain into words. Doctors seem to have a select number of categories for pain. Burning, stabbing, pounding,pins & needles, shooting, sharp, dull, ache. Sometimes none of these apply and sometimes all of them apply. I've found people as well as Drs are dismissive if you can't fit your pain in one of their boxes. #Gastroparesis , #ChronicMigraineSyndrome #DiabeticNeuropathy , #occipital neuralgia, #Fibromyalgia ,#PrinzmetalsAngina , #costrochondritis , #hiatlhernia , #AcidReflux ,