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hey everyone!

first post here, and for anyone reading this, have you seen my super long comment on the "25 'hyperfixation' habits people use to cope with mental illness" article?

I love to journal, it clears my mind and allows me to get my thoughts straight. And I really wanna know if others can relate to my experiences!

#Anxiety #SocialAnxiety #fandom #sapphic #theowlhouse #amphibia #Schoolanxiety #summerschool #badgrades #firstpost #shipping #fictional #Characters


Is anyone dealing with (or have dealt with) anxiety and/or OCD related to schoolwork, being a good or perfect student, etc...? Any tips?

I am continuing to work on an obsession regarding being a "good" or "perfect" student and the accompanying compulsion to check that I am. #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Anxiety #Schoolanxiety


College class struggle #College #Schoolanxiety #Anxiety

I'm struggling to complete my papers for college. I have a tightness in my chest and I know I should use the time I have alone to do work but.... I'm on the edge of crying. How do I push myself to do assignments with everything happening?


Not sure what to do for my son  #Schoolanxiety

My son has struggled behaviorally with school since he was in Kindergarten and now he is in 6th grade. He actually had a 1st grade teacher who wanted to put him back in Kindergarten due to his behavior problems. He doesn't like to work at school or do his homework. He was on a behavioral IEP but they took him off it last year saying he didn't need it anymore even though I was little unsure about that. Now I'm getting phone calls and emails saying he is being terrible and the teacher has no real solution besides taking away his electronics at home. We have got him tested for ADHD/ADD and other mental illnesses but the only issue they say he has is anxiety. I used to struggle with that too in school but I'm unsure how to help him since he doesn't want to go to a counselor. Any suggestions how to help him?


How do you get rid of nightmares? #Nightmares #School #Schoolanxiety #Anxiety #scared #help

I wake up almost every morning with the same nightmare. It's about me, being locked in a high school, there is one person that I know in this dream and she is with her friends. I'm all alone trying to get out but for some reason the dorrs are all locked and I can't call my parents. I know this is a lot of details but I also know that the smaller details are the most important. Anyways, I'm supposed to be seeing this tutor after this school day and I'm going to be late to my appointment because I can't leave the school. I'm scared and scared and I feel like I'm going to miss my appointment. Now as I'm thinking this I'm trying to call my parents but they won't answer. I've had this exact nightmare the past 2 nights but others similar (school related as well) for the past week! Please help me I'm only a teenager and I haven't gotten a good sleep in weeks any advice to get this out of my head?