Good Afternoon Mighty Family

I'm late with my post today

Because the 🌞 decided to come out and play
So I could go round to my Eldest Son's and Daughter-in-law garden for some social distancing chat and some very much needed human contact.

As you can see my 2 pups got some much needed play time with their buddy Salami the Sausage Dog too. 💞🐶🌭

It was so nice to spend a couple of hours with them on my son's new decking he built whilst on lockdown. He actually went back to work for the first time this week. For a whole 3 days.

I also met my brand new neighbours who have just moved in next door to me. They told me their names . 🤔 what were they. Nope gone. 🤦‍♀️

I also put up a little string bead curtain on my door to deter the flies a bit. All sparkly and lilac.
I am doing well today.

I'll crash later 😅🤗😘😁☀️🌈🐕🐶🤗🌝🌤😎😊

Love n hugs Tj 💚💛🧡❤❣💜🖤💙💥💫💢💣💬🕶 #diy #Sparkly #Family #puppy #crash #ChronicPain #RareDisease #TrigeminalNeuralgia #PsoriaticArthritis #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Lonliness #Humancontact #Bekind #checkonyourneighbours #Love