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As someone with chronic depression I've learned the best way to combat the thoughts is do things I love. I went to a Renaissance Festival yesterday near where I live with my sister. This is only my second time but it's my favorite place to be in the world. I encourage everyone everywhere. When you feel down to get out there and do something you absolutely love! #Meetinggandalf #fightingdepression #spreadthelove


My Photography

I have wanted to be a photographer for as long as I can remember. But this year has kicked my butt like many of you out there too. So my dream has taken a backseat for now. But this year I found this app / website that I love. Its called 500px. Its similar to instagram, so it's easy to use. I post all my photos i take and edit on there. This is not me trying to get noticed. This is not me trying to sell anything. This is not me promoting an app or website or brand. My only want is to share the beauty I have personally experienced with the rest of the world so that maybe I can brighten someone's dark day. This is me wanting to put a smile on your face because you are having a hard time and you need it more than ever. I don't want praise or thank you's, I just want to spread happiness to those that need it most right now. Maybe I expressed a feeling you felt in a way that you couldn't through my photos. Maybe you just needed a virtual hug. I hope my photos can be whatever you need right now. Remember you're not alone.

Here's my link :https://500px.com/tori_bradford

#Photography #Photos #smile #spreadthelove #Happiness #yourenotalone #virtualhug


Talk to me! I want to listen, I want to share! #letmehelpyou

Hi Mighty people! I have just made this profile, because it seemed like a great idea to spread a bit of my love for people. I'm open to listen to stories from you, people, and possibly give an advice or letting someone know that I care about them. I really do. I need to help people who struggle, because I was struggling a lot myself and I know how tough it is to be alone. I was too scared to ask for help. However, I did ask in the end so here I am, feeling better now. To share with you, I know a person who was too afraid to ask for help. Actually, I know 2 people. My mom and my grandma. They tried asking for help, but couldn't really and didn't get the right and needed attention so they ended up.. in heaven I hope. So I promised myself, after years of battling depression myself, I will always try to help anyone who needs it. Because sometimes all you need to do is talk. And be understood. So that's what I'm offering you - love and understanding - although in a minor form (as an anonymous through the internet) but it's deep from my heart and soul, so I hope it counts. If anyone wants to tell me their story and have a discussion - don't be afraid, go for it. #letstalk #talktome #spreadthelove #iamhereforyou #CheckInWithMe

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Talk to me! I want to listen, I want to share! #letmehelpyou

Hi Mighty people! I have just made this profile, because it seemed like a great idea to spread a bit of my love for people. I'm open to listen to stories from you, people, and possibly give an advice or letting someone know that I care about them. I really do. I need to help people who struggle, because I was struggling a lot myself and I know how tough it is to be alone. I was too scared to ask for help. However, I did ask in the end so here I am, feeling better now. To share with you, I know a person who was too afraid to ask for help. Actually, I know 2 people. My mom and my grandma. They tried asking for help, but couldn't really and didn't get the right and needed attention so they ended up.. in heaven I hope. So I promised myself, after years of battling depression myself, I will always try to help anyone who needs it. Because sometimes all you need to do is talk. And be understood. So that's what I'm offering you - love and understanding - although in a minor form (as an anonymous through the internet) but it's deep from my heart and soul, so I hope it counts. If anyone wants to tell me their story and have a discussion - don't be afraid, go for it. #letstalk #talktome #spreadthelove #iamhereforyou



hey yáll! you are beautiful and talented and amazing!!! don´t EVER forget that even for a moment!!!!!!

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52 Small Things: Grateful - Days 4 & 5

For some reason, this isn't keeping my #52SmallThings hashtag when I'm saving it... But, oh well. Here goes.

Told you I'd forget a day... BUT, I'm going to make it up right now!

Yesterday, I was grateful for:
1) Leftovers. I know that might sound weird, but it was so nice not to have to cook anything and still have a "real" meal for dinner.
2) Spotify. I know I already said I was grateful for music, but I was particularly thankful for Spotify yesterday because it introduced me to some new music! (Well, new to me...) Sometimes, it's nice to shake things up a bit.
3) Meditation. I'm working on a new set on Headspace for happiness. It's harder than others (I'm not very good at visualization), but it gives me something to focus on and makes me think about my reasons for meditating. I'm grateful for that opportunity.

Today, I am grateful for:
1) The weekend! I still have to survive the rest of today, but I'm super thankful that the weekend is almost here. Looking forward to a balance of being constructive and lazy AF.
2) Memories. This week marks four years since my Mam-maw (my grandmother) died, and while I still miss her terribly, I'm glad to have a plethora of amazing memories to look back on. I was lucky to have her.
3) Love. I'm thankful to be loved, of course, and to have others to love, and to love myself! But I'm also grateful to be able to spread more love! If you're reading this, YOU ARE LOVED!! <3

#52SmallThings #grateful #Gratitude #spreadthelove