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The rainbow at the end of a long drive

The drive was long and stressful: heavy rain for one hour. When I got off at my exit I saw this#Happiness

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Solar Eclipse from the East Coast

People usually associate an event like this with the world ending but it’s so amazing. Think of this more as a new start. #SolarEclipse #today #Sky #beautiful #Happiness #Fun #newday #Newstart #posts


New year, new(er) beginnings.

It has been quite a long time since I've used this platform. Of course, life happens and you lose sight of what you want to do. But I'm determined to get back to the things I love, and get back to being happy this year. There are many things I want to accomplish this year, and I don't want to let anything stop me.

Consistency is key. I know I have to be consistent with my goals in order to obtain them. It's okay to fall off of the track, as long as you get back on. So here I am, trying again for the umpteenth time. But I know I can do this. Happy New Year.

What are some of your goals for the new year?

#Happiness #MentalHealth #goals #NewBeginnings

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The holiday season is upon us…does it make you feel joyful and happy? Or does it make you sad and depressed? It stirs up a lot for me….how about you?

Are you really looking forward to seeing family and friends? or Do you dread being alone? Do you love hearing Christmas songs on the radio or at the mall? or Do you just wish it would be 2024 already? For me it makes me feel a mixture of these…each year I go down to see my mom and family for Chanukah which created social anxiety for me this year but eventually I settled in and enjoyed the company and connections which was nice, then since I came back home at times I have felt sad, lonely and isolated! I celebrated Hanukkah weeks ago and In the past I have felt like so many others are being festive and celebrating Christmas with a decorated house, sparkling tree, and presents for all…without me …especially when I was younger! What are you looking forward to doing this weekend? I send you all blessings for a festive, joyful and special time!

#ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #physicalpain #PeripheralNeuropathy #BackPain #Migraine #Headache #COVID19 #covidlonghaul #Disability #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar1 #Bipolar2 #BipolarDepression #Addiction #AddictionRecovery #HIVAIDS #longtermsurvivor #PTSD #PainAcceptance #Acceptance #Happiness #Selflove #Selfcare #MightyMinute #MightyTogether #IfYouFeelHopeless #Hope #MentalHealthHero

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Reach Out; Help is There

I did a brave thing and made a somewhat detailed post on Facebook about my recent diagnosis of bipolar disorder, even calling myself out for the alcohol abuse that went from 0-90 in a matter of months.

So many things could have been different for me, had I known about my bipolar. However, it's better to have been diagnosed late, than never at all.

If you read my last post about my suicide attempt, it was the catalyst that brought me to this now healing state I am in. I am being more gentle with myself now. I am working through my trauma and guilt and becoming a healthier version of myself, albeit slowly. Remember; slow and steady wins the race.

The post I made on Facebook has received so much positivity that it made my heart absolutely swell with love for my beautiful friends who are as relieved as I am to be in a place of hope and joy now, after they watched me self destruct the last two years since my brother took his own life. It's been hard navigating my grief, without understanding that the things that were putting up road block after road block were due to my bipolar.

My advice to you, my sincere advice, is to not hide yourself from your friends and family. They love you and want to understand you, they want to give their support. Mind you, I know there are those that do not understand, and perhaps it's time to cut those people off from having access to you for a while. Healthy boundaries are a good thing.

We've got this. Don't lose hope. Don't give up until you have the answers you need to get yourself to a better place mentally. We deserve it.

#MentalHealth #BipolarDisorder #Healing #Happiness #Support

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Mental Health Spectrum

Mental Health is on a spectrum. There are so many variables that affect our mental health that there can be no such thing as perfect mental health or a perfect mind. Therefore no one is perfect and everyone is IMperfect. So if your mental health has made you feel defective, broken, or alone, stop. Just like you, we all have imperfections. And just like everyone else, you have redeeming qualities, talents, insights, and positive effects on the lives of others. No one is truly alone, no matter their mental status. Stop judging yourself, so you can find your version of happy. #MentalHealth #EndTheStigma  #MentalIllness #Neurodiversity #nojudgement #Happiness

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