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Suppose a men is suffering from a problem like premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. What should they have to do if they are suffering from the these problems. Suggest?????
I have had an exhausting year this year.
My 30th birthday may have never existed thanks lockdown.
I have stayed sober by choice on many occasions I would normally drown myself in rum to numb myself from feeling.
Lockdown gave me a mental breakdown which showed me what I could really be capable of.
But now I have almost finished moving house and while physically fighting with my body day to day something new.
I am obese my bmi 50+ so easily suffering heat exhaustion every other day. But I moved further from work and onto a top floor.
So while I know my body is in agony right now. It will become stronger and build stamina until one day I can walk home without pausing to breath and climbing 4 flights without resting.
Just keep going.
At work I fail this but I am pushing myself beyond my limits. Yes my body fails yes its sort of a mental self harm. But its a healthy one.
My asthma has stopped me for long enough.
My weight has held me back long enough.
My mentality of excuses has held me back long enough.
I say this every time I pause for breath.
And each time I stand and I force the pain and exhaustion to listen to me.
So for today
JUST KEEP GOING. #Depression #PTSD #Transman #exhaustion #obese #suisidal #help #Agoraphobia #WeightLoss #Stamina #mantra
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 3 years ago, but I’m still struggling to accept the changes I have to make with my life. I’m trying to run a couple of times each week but I have no stamina, can only run for a minute and then have to walk for at least two minutes. How do you guys cope? Anyone who can give me advice? #Fibromyalgia #Running #Stamina