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#Depression #AQuietPlace #ParanoidThoughts #staymotivated #StayStrong

sometimes your mind can be your worst enemy, being lost in your thoughts can change the mood of your day-to-day lives also can lead to very tragic events. I'm slowly coming out of this dark place. I have hope now, learning who i am as a person. My kind heart, sweet soul, personal health issues will never change the fact that I am beautiful, I am loved by the most important people in my life "My children". I can make it, I can keep fighting ❤ we all can make it, we all can keep fighting ❤ 💪 staying strong, loving yourself for who you are. Believing in yourself, knowing that it's ok to be different, it's ok to not fit in, its ok to be yourself and love every bone in your body. And sometimes it's ok to NOT be OK! I'm trying 😪 and I will make it 😇 #StayStrong #StayEncouraged #Selflove

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#Anxiety #exhaustion

The last three days have been rough. I’ve had constant anxiety, basically a low grade continuous panic attack that lasts all day and all night. I’ve taken my rescue med, but it adds to the fatigue. My poor body is just so tired. All I want to do is sleep...because I’m exhausted, but also to escape. I do my exercise, I go to work...I push through. But, at what point do we stop “pushing through”? At what point do we say, ef this, I’ve had enough. Today I continue to push, to show up to life, to be of service. I will suffer silently, but I will also choose to stay strong and not let anxiety beat me. #Whoswithme #StayEncouraged #staymighty

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#Fibromyalgia #StayEncouraged #rebound #Blessed

2019 will be a year of REBOUND for me. I will be positive and grateful for all of the good days I have. On my bad days I will stay positive for the pain and sickness will pass.#Fibromyalgia  



I am a caregiver to an adult child with schizophrenia. If you are a caregiver I just want to encourage you to stay strong and stand with your loved one. I say everyday, We are NOT going to let this illness steal your life!"  "It gets hard sometimes but WE are going to be okay." Peace and Blessings to the strongest ones of all!