New to Stiffperson and not sure what to do
Hi - I lost my thyroid functionality due to toxic chemical exposure while serving in the Army. I don't regret my time in the military at all, but it is what it is.
It seems the thyroid was a doorway, and without it being shut anymore, many unwelcome visitors came in and set up their new home. Besides the thyroiditis, I now have pernicious anemia, Raynaud's syndrome, scleroderma, and the newest and most nefarious invader, Stiffperson Syndrome. I never would have tested for it without Céline Dion's announcement, and I am grateful for her courage every day.
Stiffperson, however, has made it very difficult to hold down a steady job. It has made the cold winters here painful to my muscles. It has changed my idea of my future and my plans. I took my health seriously and used to feel I could do anything. Now I feel limited and that has taken a difficult mental toll on me.
I live in the northern part of the state of Utah, in the US. I appreciate the advice here and am looking forward to learning from the experience from people here. I want to thank you in advance for your help and your insights.#StiffPersonSyndrome #PerniciousAnemia #Scleroderma #RaynaudsPhenomenon #thyroiditis