What are you taking from your wellness shelves this week?
Comment below with the item(s) that symbolize what you’ll be embracing this week!
🪴 Grounding Plant: Practicing intentional self-care and gratitude, getting fresh air, or doing something fun.
📚 Books of Curiosity: Learning something new, doing your own research, or exploring useful knowledge.
🔑 Keys of Safety: Recognizing your needs, speaking up, and prioritizing yourself.
🔦 Support Flashlight: Seeking help, asking questions, and acknowledging your feelings.
🧸 Resting Bear: Resting, relaxing, and sleeping in.
📦 Connection Package: Reaching out to your community, joining a support group, or checking in with a loved one.
Here's what I'll be taking:
A Grounding Plant 🪴
A Support Flashlight 🔦
Books of Curiosity 📚
What about you?
#MentalHealth #Selfcare #Depression #Anxiety #CheckInWithMe #Fibromyalgia #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #CheerMeOn #ThePencilCase