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🌟 A Message of Hope and Support 🌟

To everyone navigating the ups and downs of mental health—your strength is seen, your struggles are valid, and your journey matters. 💙

Whether you’re facing anxiety, depression, OCD, trichotillomania, ODD, or any other challenge, remember:

✨ Healing is not linear, and every small step counts.

✨ It’s okay to ask for help—you don’t have to carry the weight alone.

✨ Your story is still being written, and there is hope for brighter days ahead.

Let’s break the stigma, lift each other up, and create a community where no one feels alone. Together, we can foster understanding, compassion, and resilience. 💪

Here’s a little poem to remind you of your strength:

When the world feels heavy, and the shadows grow near,

Remember, dear heart, you are stronger than fear.

Each step you take, though it may feel small,

Is a victory won, a triumph for all.

The storms may rage, and the winds may blow,

But within you, a light continues to glow.

It whispers of courage, of hope, and of grace,

A reminder that brighter days you’ll embrace.

So hold on, keep going, you’re never alone,

For in this journey, your strength has grown.

You are enough, just as you are,

A shining, resilient, beautiful star. 🌟


#mental #Depression #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #SchizophreniaSpectrumPsychoticDisorders #SchizoidPersonalityDisorder #Schizophrenia #ADHD #Anxiety #dissoc #Fibromyalgia #BingeEatingDisorder #SchizoidPersonalityDisorder

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Encouragement Letters!!

Hi All! My name is Lisa. I am a mental health advocate and warrior, and the founder of Letters from Lisa. LFL is a project the mails free, handwritten letters of encouragement to people who are struggling with their mental health worldwide. To date, we've mailed over 1300 letters for free! I have posted this on here before, but would love to reach more people. If you, or someone you know, could use some love in their mailbox, request a free letter at

Check out our website, meet the team, and read about our mission. We cannot wait to connect with you via snail mail!

#MentalHealth #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #SocialAnxiety #Trichotillomania #EatingDisorder #Depression #Anxiety #PanicAttacks


Letters from Lisa

mailing free, handwritten letters of encouragement
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Snail Mail Brings Me Joy 💌

Hi everyone, I posted the other day about my free encouragement letters! It was requested that I post some pictures of my letters. Every letter is handwritten in a hand-decorated card. I absolutely love doing this, it brings me so much joy, and genuinely helps improve my mental health. Even on my darkest days, I know I am able to brighten someone else’s days. I’ve mailed almost 1300 letters in the last four years! If you’d like to request a free, handwritten letter of encouragement, go to I mail letters worldwide!

(I’m just realizing now I can only post one picture! Head to my Instagram @ letters_from_lisa or my website to see more!).

#MentalHealth #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Anxiety #Trichotillomania

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Hi everyone! My name is Lisa. I live with OCD, anxiety, and trichotillomania. I started a project back in 2020 where I send free, handwritten letters of encouragement to people who are struggling worldwide. To date, I’ve sent over 1200 letters. So if you, or someone you know, needs a little love and encouragement, request a free letter at

I can’t wait to send you a letter! 💌💕


Letters from Lisa

mailing free, handwritten letters of encouragement
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Letters of Encouragement

Hi everyone! My name is Lisa! I have #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder , #Anxiety , and #Trichotillomania
I have a project called Letters from Lisa where I mail free, handwritten letters of encouragement to people who are struggling with #MentalHealth
To date, I have mailed over 1200 letters in the last 4 years to people all over the world. Each letter is personal to you and 100% free! It is truly my little passion project.
If you would like to request one for yourself, or someone you love, head to I cannot wait to connect with you 💕💕

#Depression #SocialAnxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #PanicAttacks


Letters from Lisa

mailing free, handwritten letters of encouragement
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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is darbengin. I'm here because I suffer with depression, anxiety, trichotillomania, PTSD, and although I haven't been diagnosed as autistic, I have a sneaking suspicion I am on the spectrum. I just need to know more so I can hopefully help myself heal.

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #PTSD

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Dating with bipolar, trichotillomania and c-ptsd

I've been talking to a guy for a while know, and we're meeting up this weekend. He's started asking questions about why I'm on #Disability , what my #Bipolar (the only thing I've been open about yet) affects me and would affect us if we ended up dating. How and when do I open up about all the other stuff? I don't wanna #Trauma dump on him, but some of it really needs to be told so he can understand why I am the way I am. It's not something I'll be able to, or want to, hide. My #Trichotillomania gets bad when I'm #depressed , #anxious or get #triggered . Since I've been in a #depressive episode for a really long time now and struggle a lot with #SuicidalIdeation and thoughts about #Selfharm it's important he knows some stuff. I've been in #SelfharmRecovery for almost a year and a half and my scars are bad and ugly. I know he'll ask questions, and I have no clue how to open up to him as I barely know the guy.. Do you guys have some tips?

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DARVO: The Twisted Defence of Abusers

I’ve long been familiar with being on the receiving end of DARVO, but never had the words to explain it so succinctly. In the realm of psychological manipulation, I think few tactics are as insidious and disorienting as DARVO. It stands for "Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender," a concept first identified by psychologist Jennifer Freyd. It's a defensive strategy used by perpetrators of wrongdoing, particularly those accused of abuse, to deflect blame, invert reality, and maintain power and control.

Denial is the abuser’s first line of defence. When confronted with evidence of their misconduct, abusers outright DENY the behaviour—often delivered with such confidence and composure that it can be incredibly persuasive to others. Following denial, perpetrators ATTACK the credibility of the accuser. This can be direct or subtle, with the abuser often portraying the accuser as mentally unstable, attention seeking, or manipulative. Finally, the most disorienting part of DARVO is the reversal of roles, where the PERPETRATOR claims they are the actual VICTIM. This can involve expressing hurt feelings, seeking sympathy, or claiming they are the ones who have been wronged.

I think that what makes DARVO so effective is that it exploits our inclination to give people the benefit of the doubt, it weaponises the victim's vulnerabilities, and intentionally obscures the truth. The reversal of victim and offender can be so convincing that it not only causes others to question the victim's claim, but can also make victims question their own reality and sanity. I am “fortunate” in that my early childhood experiences taught me to trust in myself, so that I never questioned my own sanity or reality. Yet it was incredibly isolating; knowing some things were not right but not having the words to explain it, so that for some years I self harmed as a coping mechanism.

Years of reflection have helped me understand that the ‘heart’ of abuse is really quite simple: it thrives in the shadows of ignorance. Naturally, this makes illuminating knowledge one of our strongest weapons against it. The second is calling that sh*t out when we see it 🏹

#Abuse #PTSD #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Anxiety #Trauma #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigue #Fibromyalgia #Depression #Selfharm #Dermatillomania #Trichotillomania #Selflove #Selfcare

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