"It's eggs for your dinner and legs for next winter."
"Go fly, you own the sky."
Who knew we needed an encouraging yodeling ninja in our lives? 💜🎁
youtu.be/tT2hx1Czmg4 # #
#MusicVideos #Music #encouragement #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #triumphant #Winner
Happy to be here to share the love and life that is given me. It’s just a breath away. Enjoy it while you can. #Oxygen #Anxiety #ARDS #Asthma #LungDisease #Winner
I forgive you.
I forgive myself.
I forgive the constant fights and bickering.
I forgive everyone and everything.
And I’m not doing it solely because I care about us.
I’m also doing it because fighting with you takes time and energy and my time is expensive to me.
Self-respect with a twist.
#MightyPoets #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Winner #CheckInWithMe
Believe that you don’t have to be the only one fighting for a friendship or a relationship. You literally don’t. Sometimes, people, no matter how much you really like them, are just shitty and moody and you gotta hold on to your dignity and self-respect first.
Believe that the bad things were for a reason and figure out how you can take good advantage of it to advance in life.
Believe that the people for you will come to you. You don’t have to be out there with everyone. Get some standards.
Cliché, but you’re going nowhere if you don’t believe that every moment is a moment you can decide to change a lot of things. How? Idk, I’m not living your life. Figure it out. Take control of your life. Yourself. And rise, rise, rise.
Chelsea Chavanne.
#MentalHealth #MightyPoets #CheckInWithMe #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Winner
Dear Best Friend,
I know I haven’t found you yet but I’m pretty sure you exist.
You’re like me in every possible way. You’re strong-headed, confident and extremely positive. You wake up thinking everyday is the most beautiful day ever since the sun has never shone upon this day before.
You give people enthusiastic good mornings, you are ready to get things done today.
You’re sensible, kind and strong. You’re clear - headed and when you don’t use your potential, it really drives you mad.
Any kind of dishonesty, shortcuts, lies, always winging things by - you HATE it.
You’re me. And you’re my best friend.
Chelsea Chavanne.
#MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Winner
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You’re loved.
You’re strong.
You’re in control.
You’re calm.
A peaceful goodnight.
-S (My Goodnight Prayer)
#MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Winner
See, Imma give it to you straight.
You're not going to get ANYWHERE REAL at all if you don't recognize, honor and use your originality.
I know other people's paths sound easy and attractive sometimes but you really, REALLY, REALLLYYYYYY DON'T KNOW a lot of the struggles they've faced to get to wherever they are.
There IS this unique brilliant (I should stop saying 'brilliant' so much smh) set of talents which are only yours and which will get you farther than you can imagine.
Chelsea Chavanne.
#MentalHealth #MightyPoets #Anxiety #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Winner