First off, Happy New Year! We have all survived another year and I am proud of you. I like to look at each new year as a time to renew hope. You get to start over and forge a new path. You have 365 wondrous days ahead of you. I cannot guarantee that every day will be ideal (that just isn't realistic) and I won't tell you to make resolutions either. What I will tell you is that if you survived the previous year, you are going to make it through this one. If you see each new year as a way to better yourself, to heal (if necessary) or to just live your best life then things will change for you. As for myself, there are a few goals I have for myself and I believe that setting goals will help you too. They don't have to be anything crazy. Something small, like cleaning, or going for a walk. Now is your chance to shine and show yourself and the world what you can do. You are braver, stronger and smarter than you give yourself credit for. If you are in a crisis situation, please reach out immediately. If you are an abusive situation, please seek help. You deserve the best as do I. Never lose hope, I know this year will challenge us, just like past years have but instead of worrying about that, look back on all you have accomplished. Be proud of yourself and show yourself some grace when necessary. You deserve it. Though I can't promise much, I do promise that I believe in each of you. Happy wishes for the new year Mighties. You got this!

#Abuse #SexualAbuse #EmotionalAbuse #Inspiration #Hope #Healing #help #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #NewYear #Health #abusesurvivior #MightyTogether