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Normal brain thinking still adjusting to Multiple Sclerosis 😅🤣

Ever turn the light off in a room because you only need to walk a few steps and then your body remembers “But..don’t you have Multiple Sclerosis?” #multiplrsclerosis #Ataxia

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Tired of always dropping one thing…😔

I’m still new in this body dealing with acquired ataxia and sometimes my brain sometimes forgets I have nerve damage in my left hand…so I either drop one thing or everything I’m holding in my left hand

It’s frustrating 😒 #MultipleSclerosis #Neuropathy #Ataxia

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December 25 lasts one day! #Disability ,#ChronicPain #Ataxia #Humor

River Oaks Elementary school, Houston Texas used to be huge! But has certainly gotten smaller since 1963!📚
Or did I grow up?
I met my (still) BFF there. She's an attorney. I worked as in probation, miles apart. 🧑‍🦳
Here we are, Christmas 2024.,
My family has COVID. Guy's family is all sick. He's getting over a cold, complete with cough! The dogs and I are fine, so far! Guy went into 3 stores, looking for Christmas wrap (no luck) and now everyone's sick anyways!😷
I was to bake today! Instead, the dogs and I took a nap, made+ate queso, drank an eggnog and put on my pajamas early.
Life is good. In fact, it's pretty funny at times!😁
Merry Christmas Mighty! Feliz Navidad! Just please don't let me wake up sick tomorrow.
I'll get one more small eggnog. With nutmeg on top.

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Left for a while @depression @disability@chronicpain.

Hello Mighty warriors. I left the Mighty for a while.
I was hospitalized for a week. I had two infections that wouldn't go away, so my doctor admitted me. They left me very confused for about 3 days . Because my veins are very small, the nurses had a very hard time starting IVs so my arms were all purple. I felt like I didn't have any real choices. And couldn't sleep! And my lips were terribly chapped.
Leaving, I had awful balance problems (I have ataxia)which was made worse. I lost 11 lbs
(121 to 110 lbs) and no appetite. And still couldn't sleep. And my lips hurt. My darling partner kept my dog Russell safe. So why leave?
I developed depression. I couldn't sleep. Still couldn't eat. My lips hurt.
I couldn't seem to get thru this. I couldn't read about depression, sad times and problems. Or listen to the news.
I had to focus on myself. I needed rest so I turned my phone off. Even with my walker, my walking was and is awful. Slowly, my depression has improved because I prayed to God asking for dealing with these feelings.
The photo is of my brother John (in vest) and wife Sandy, while on the right, my beloved Guy and finally me. I was talked into going out to eat.
I have much to be grateful for.
I try not to think too much about world events and my 3 granddaughters lives in the future. I'm at Guy's home still practicing walking. Russell ( my little dog)loves it here. I am loved and cared for by Guy.
However, my depression tries to return. Some nights I still can't sleep. It tries to sneak in. I have to make myself eat healthy foods. But I won't give in.
And dig this, I stopped smoking!!!! I still want to smoke (it's been 2 months). I do needlework to keep my hands busy. I wore a patch for a while.
Life is up and down for me sometimes. I never even knew I had not 1, but but 2 infections. I felt awful physically and mentally. It was awful. Guy and I have tickets to see Manheim Steamroller later this month!
I am not overwhelmed by the Christmas holidays.
It's terrible to have no control control sometimes. But I need to go the rough times in order to learn and appreciate the good times.
Sorry for the long post. Guess I just needed to share my feelings. Thanks for reading this. Peace out.🤘

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Shadow boxing mis-hap #Fitness #adaptiveboxing #Ataxia

So…I’m nerding & refining my adaptive boxing routine…I’m experimenting with mirror work because you can’t see yourself punching

I’m thinking I’m gonna look muscular (OK forget that I have 2 coats on…this is how my thinking works) with 3 boxing classes and practice.

I don’t have a ring camera or anything so I was like “Let me just try it.”

So I start with the PunchLab & Heavy Bag Pro app…I hit “Record” on the iPhone…

Self-conscious but I do 1 or 2 rounds

Feeling a little confident, I get some of the food (I’m bulking so I keep food around).

I bend down for something….Somehow my other arm hit a fork perfectly so that it could last whiplash spaghetti on the side of my face

This startled my brain, ego, and spirit.

Welcome to life! 🤣

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is CosyMariposa0517. I'm here because I like meeting others who have what I have because I don't know many who have the illness that I do.

#MightyTogether #Migraine #Fibromyalgia #Crohn 'sDisease#Dystonia #Ataxia #COPD #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #Asthma

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So tired of not knowing

Hi! My name is Chris
I’m 53, will be 54 in December and back in April I suffered from a stroke. I’ve had a lot of tests done bc I experience seizure like episodes that scare me but so far no doctor can figure out why this happens. MS, Lou Gehrigs, and Epilepsy have all been ruled out. One Neuro said I may possibly have #Ataxia or #FND (Functional Neurological Disorder). What I’ve read about these disorders so far tells me these are rare neurological disorders and I guess I came here hoping to find some answers
Thanks for reading this 🙏🏻

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Ataxia diagnosis earlier this year.

I was glad to have a diagnosis but as of yet it is idiopathic. I look back and think it started well before I originally thought, but with issues that overlap with other health issues it's difficult to pinpoint what contributes which illness. I'd like to hear others experience.


I’m new here!

Hi, my name is Betty. I'm here because I discovered the app and want to find out what it’s all about. I am a carrier of a genetic disorder called Fragile X which can cause mild autistic traits, early menopause, neuropathy and ataxia in later life. I’m a founder / social entrepreneur / business coach and mentor.

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Deeismywife29. I'm here because I have the neurological genetic disorder called spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 or SCA6 for short.


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