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Depression leads to anxiety leads to stress leads to grinding my teeth leads to one hell of a migraine.

No 2 people are perfect together. There will be arguments and disagreements. But when you genuinely love each other you get through it together. Right now I'm upset and I need to calm down before I deal with it. She's been giving me space to deal with my brain weasels. But after I've processed my emotions, I'll be able to have that talk. Because I love her.

She just made homemade oat milk. I made some steamed sweet potato and put butter, Parmesan seasoning, and lemon pepper. It was freaking delicious!

Now Pauley is making pork chops. I explained how to cook them. My pain level is sky high and my depression is all encompassing. I'm going to make butternut squash to go with the pork chops. Maybe.

My cervical spine is really painful. My neck is grinding. The X-ray showed the vertebrae that butts up to the base of my skull is calcified. It explains why it's so stiff. Yesterday I sent a message to my spine surgeon asking if I can see him soon. I haven't heard back yet.

However I did hear back from my cardiologist. She started the email with "Mr. Caelum". I had asked if there were any safe diuretics. She said no, saying the risks outweigh the benefits. She said just use the compression socks, elevate my feet, and try to do leg exercises. Then she suggested I see a vascular doctor. She said I'm more than welcome to seek a second opinion.

I ran out of almond milk this morning. I've been using cappuccino powder to make it creamy. I've been drinking blueberry crumble flavored coffee. It's actually quite good.

We ordered groceries last night. They're getting delivered tomorrow . I ordered 5 cartons of almond milk. Should last about 2 weeks.

I really don't feel good. My tummy has been bothering me since yesterday. I took a ubrelvy for the migraine. I need a Norco for my back pain. It's at 7 right now. I'm still semi functional as long as I'm sitting.

So my day was a mess but had a few good things.

#Migraine #BackPain #Lymphedema

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I've got a telehealth appointment tomorrow with my doctor to go over my lab results. They're pretty bad. She's gonna be cross that I haven't found an Endo yet. I'm on a really high dose of insulin. It's not helping. But it's making me gain weight really fast. It's kinda scary.

But I'm gonna talk to her about getting me a proper rescue inhaler. I've got dulera but that's just twice per day. When I go up and down the stairs or walk for more than 5 minutes I can't catch my breath.

I'm gonna get a refill of my Norco. I've been trying to contact my previous back surgeon but they haven't responded to my 2 emails and phone calls. As long as I am making an attempt, my doctor will refill my meds. I've only been taking maybe 5 per week. I'm trying to use my tramadol more often. I'm not addicted. And I intend on staying that way.

My doctor is concerned about my lymphedema and high blood pressure. I told her how my cardiologist is handling it and she's kinda pissed. The new meds aren't working. And I had a low symptoms day on Tuesday so my cardiologist thinks everything is fine. And even after emailing her pictures of my pitting lymphedema, I haven't heard back.

I'm so frustrated. And my anxiety is making me sick. I'll talk to my doctor about how bad my adjustment disorder is. Maybe she'll have an idea. She's a good doctor.

#COPD #Diabetes #ChronicPain #a1c #BackPain #Lymphedema #HighBP

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Lunch was delicious

Pauley was in the mood for salmon for lunch so she cooked some. I microwaved some potato smilies as a side for me. It was pretty yummy. But now my brain is completely turned around.

My back is trashed and my head is full of fuckitywidgets again. I tried taking a tramadol but it didn't help at all.

I had to go outside to get my groceries today. I let the shopper carry the big heavy stuff and I carried one bag. To the base of the stairs. And then my chest hurt, I couldn't breathe, I was dizzy. That's been happening more often. I'll bring it up to my doctor next week when I see her.

I'm craving ice cream. Specifically I want green tea ice cream and red bean ice cream. It's so yummy. Instead I'm sipping on my chocolate banana coffee and sitting with Pauley on the couch.

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

#BackPain #Migraine

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It's so quiet

Pauley isn't here. She'll be at work until probably tomorrow morning. Usually I'd be gathering all my stuff, my meds box, my phone, my vape, my headphones, my coffee, and id be waddling to go sit on the couch with pauley right now. I really miss her.

My back pain spiked to 8. I just took a tramadol. I've been drinking coffee since I got home so I can't take a nap. None of my friends are online. My mom is babysitting so I can't call her.lo

My head is starting to hurt. My eyes are very sore from fighting double vision all day. It's still pretty bad but I'm in my bed and don't have anything to do or anywhere to go.

St Patrick's Day is the celebration of st Patrick and his crew killing thousands of pagans in Ireland.



I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Larryf44. I'm here because i suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, OA,
Fibromyalgia, migraines, and chronic back pain. Im looking for fellow sufferers thzt we might learn from each other and help each other.#MightyTogether #Fibromyalgia #RheumatoidArthritis #Migraine

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When my peer specialist got me today I asked if we could stop by 7-Eleven so I could get a drink so I could take a pain pill. My back pain had spiked to 8. A half hour later my back pain was down to 6.


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Dinner tonight

Pauley set up my table station so I could make dinner. She's so helpful. I put a whole 6 pack of boneless skinless chicken thighs and one huge breast in the oven. I used salt free seasoning. I'm just gonna cut mine up and dip it in ranch dressing. It hurts way too much to stand up so I didn't make a veggie. I just told her she can make herself a veggie if she wants one cuz I'm just gonna have a sliced can of hearts of palm dipped in ranch. The pain is at 7. I really don't know how I manage days like this.

#BackPain #ChronicPain

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That wasn't the best experience

We got to the flea market around 1pm and within 15 minutes I needed to sit down. I took a 5mg Norco 1 and a half hours before we left but it didn't help. I tried sitting for a half hour but it wasn't enough. I sent pauley to go hunt for food. She found some and sent me a picture... but my phone was on power saver so I didn't get the picture until she got back to the table. I decided to give it one more try and I went to go check out some hats but OMG my back pain was at 8. Pauley was having fun looking at stuff. When she was done I called our friend who drove us there to come get us. He wasn't expecting us until close to 6pm so 330pm was confusing. I explained my pain was just too much. When he got us he asked if we needed to go anywhere before home and I asked if he could please take us to the vape shop. He said of course. We were in there for 4 minutes. Then he took us home. He's a really swell fella. So it wasn't the day I was hoping for. But I'm trying to remember I'm disabled and this happens and I'm not worth less for it.

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The Hidden Connection Between Trauma and Migraines

When you think of chronic pain, people often think that physical injuries or medical conditions are the primary culprits. However, there is actually a significant connection between trauma and chronic pain, such as migraines, headaches, IBS, back pain, and other persistent physiological issues. There is an intricate relationship between your mind and body, and how past traumatic experiences can be unconsciously carried through life when not healed, manifesting as ongoing physical discomfort.

Traumatic events can have a way of rewiring how your brain and nervous system responds to pain, leading to increased pain sensitivity. This can explain why people are able to experience chronic pain without apparent physical causes. Understanding this shows why treating both the physical symptoms as well as underlying trauma and emotional elements of chronic pain is so important. Healthcare professionals should encourage, especially in cases where the cause of pain is inorganic or not clear, that psychotherapy is included in the treatment plan for people struggling with chronic pain.

The Link Between Trauma and Chronic Pain

The complex relationship between mind and body plays a significant role in how trauma can lead to chronic pain. Traumatic experiences, especially when severe or prolonged, can alter the way the brain processes pain, which can result in responding with persistent pain even without ongoing physical injury actually happening. This is especially notable when present experiences emotionally trigger old trauma, causing pain to increase in the body, triggering migraines, and more.

Trauma can also cause the nervous system to become hypersensitive. This heightened state can cause the brain to perceive normal sensory signals with pain responses, contributing to chronic pain without an apparent physical cause. Additionally, chronic stress and trauma can induce an inflammatory response within the nervous system that can further alter pain signal processing, which can increase both the duration of pain, and amplify the experience of pain, as well.

When you experience trauma, your body enters a heightened state of alert, which involves the release of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Although this is an effective short-term stress response to help with fight or flight, ongoing stress from unresolved trauma can result in several health issues as well as inflammation, muscle tension, and more.

Migraines and Stigma

As a therapist who specializes in trauma and working with people with chronic migraines, one of the more complex issues I've encountered is actually the worry some people have that linking migraines to mental health will validate the idea that the migraines are "all in their head". For many migraine sufferers, they have gone through life tortured by migraines, but since it's not visible in the same way other physical illnesses are, they have been told by people around them that they're causing the migraines or that it's all in their head. Therefore, many feel they need to be able to point to a medical-only cause of their migraines in order to prove the legitimacy of their suffering (one could also say it's a trauma for many migraine-sufferers being blamed for their suffering throughout their lives and not understood or really heard).

Unfortunately, this stigma has caused many people to not seek treatments that could ease their suffering, such as therapy focused on migraines and headaches, and what may be emotionally reinforcing or playing into the chronic pain in this area. Obviously, there are certain times where migraines are caused by something more purely medical. But I have seen the difference it makes for people when they are able to allow themselves to explore beyond the medical and look at the emotional side of migraines and other forms of chronic pain. This doesn't mean that your pain is any less real or that it's all in your head. The pain and experience of the struggle is still valid and real. This goes for any chronic pain that has been unseen or invalidated over time.

Childhood and Emotional Trauma

Adverse childhood experiences can significantly increase the risk of developing chronic pain in adulthood. These traumatic events may include physical or emotional abuse, neglect, or bullying. Family dysfunction or witnessing discord between parents on a regular basis can also play a role, as well as other experiences not included here. People with multiple adverse childhood experiences are generally more likely to experience trauma responses later in life. (While this post is more about chronic pain, trauma responses can include a number of different mental health struggles such as anxiety, depression, phobias, and more).

Getting Help and Reducing Your Struggle

Understanding the connection between physiological, psychological, and emotional is important for developing effective treatment strategies that addresses both the emotional and physiological aspects of chronic pain. As mentioned above, it's important that healthcare professionals encourage people struggling with any form of unexplained chronic pain to round out their treatment with therapy. I've seen people who've felt helpless with medical treatments make significant strides forward in the reduction of frequency and intensity of chronic migraines and other forms of chronic pain. It is possible to break free from the cycle of trauma and chronic pain, and to reduce your suffering.

#Migraine #Trauma #ChronicPain #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #Headache #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Fibromyalgia

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