Does anyone else find that, no matter how much is thrown on your plate, how overwhelmed you get, no matter how much you do, none steps up to help. the things that are extremely important to you, doesn't mean shit to anyone else? Everything get thrown on me, everything just unravels if I don't take care of it, only to get constantly put down, criticized and attacked from my Parents, siblings and family. My partner is good to me and doesn't criticize, he try's soo hard to build me up, but he works all the time, so everything is on me to handle. No matter how hard I try,I'm not good enough, I'm a failure, and am worthless and deserve to be alone. (according to my narcissist mother). I was attacked and stabbed with a dirty needle, and now I have HIV, Fibromyalgia, Hep C, Peripheral Neuropathy, osteo/rheumatoid arthritis, hypokalemia, essential hypertension, osteoporosis beginning stages of renal failure as well as depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, anxiety disorder, panic disorder, borderline personality disorders, night terrors, insomnia, tremors and psychosis now, since this situation happened. It caused a mental break as I almost didn't survive and fought tooth and nail to live. Now all I hear from family, especially my mother is how she wished I would've died, how she hates me, how my own father hates my guts( haven't spoke to him in 10 yes cuz I'm gay), how I should just kill myself. I would absolutely love to walk a away, but my partner is employed through my mother, for a top 5 global corporation and I need the medical coverage to survive. I just don't know how to continue. I'm just not strong like I used to be and I'm sinking. any positive energy? I'm exhausted from being soo sad and hopeless. #Depression #Anxiety #narcissist #done #Nohope #BeingDeadMustBeBetterThanThis #mental