I've got a telehealth appointment tomorrow with my doctor to go over my lab results. They're pretty bad. She's gonna be cross that I haven't found an Endo yet. I'm on a really high dose of insulin. It's not helping. But it's making me gain weight really fast. It's kinda scary.
But I'm gonna talk to her about getting me a proper rescue inhaler. I've got dulera but that's just twice per day. When I go up and down the stairs or walk for more than 5 minutes I can't catch my breath.
I'm gonna get a refill of my Norco. I've been trying to contact my previous back surgeon but they haven't responded to my 2 emails and phone calls. As long as I am making an attempt, my doctor will refill my meds. I've only been taking maybe 5 per week. I'm trying to use my tramadol more often. I'm not addicted. And I intend on staying that way.
My doctor is concerned about my lymphedema and high blood pressure. I told her how my cardiologist is handling it and she's kinda pissed. The new meds aren't working. And I had a low symptoms day on Tuesday so my cardiologist thinks everything is fine. And even after emailing her pictures of my pitting lymphedema, I haven't heard back.
I'm so frustrated. And my anxiety is making me sick. I'll talk to my doctor about how bad my adjustment disorder is. Maybe she'll have an idea. She's a good doctor.
#COPD #Diabetes #ChronicPain #a1c #BackPain #Lymphedema #HighBP