I'm new here!
Hi, my name is BreathlessOstrich82. I'm here because I realy need help on how to deal with rejection and trauma expecially in relationship of people leaving with HIV virus
Hi, my name is BreathlessOstrich82. I'm here because I realy need help on how to deal with rejection and trauma expecially in relationship of people leaving with HIV virus
Hi, my name is do_you_know. I'm here because
I am struggling to find support with everything that seems to be happening around me . I am a gay male with HIV who is a survivor of childhood sexual assault, alone with numerous other childhood trauma's. I suffer from many mental health issues and substance abuse. Somedays are a struggle!
#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #ADHD #Grief #PTSD #Insomnia
Hi, my name is Scorpion. I'm here because i sometimes need a place to go on the bad days. My alphabet soup of disorders just makes it extremely difficult. HIV, ADHD, IED Depression, Stress, and Anxiety. Recently the IED has become unmanageable and I've had to make a temporary medication change going back to a medication I hate. Sometimes sacrifices haft to be made for the greater good. though a build up of medication takes a bit of time. I am looking into a new mental health doctor to find a medication more acceptable to help control my anger. as well as support, I also am looking at hypnotherapy but can't seem to find anyone who has actually tried this avenue. I also am looking to see how much of the alphabet soup disorders I may have but as of yet are undiagnosed. My sister who was a witness to most of the abuse I took as a child believes possibly Bipolar and PTSD I've joined a couple of other community groups but 1 community doesn't seam to talk and the other talks to fast. not helpful for someone needing to talk. Trying to reach out for a hand up but cant seem to find one.
Hi, my name is Debido1969. I'm here because after a 15 year (one-sided monogamous heterosexual) relationship filled w/emotional & mental cruelty, I became VERY sick & ended up hospitalized for over 2 weeks. I was eventually diagnosed w/HIV that caused multiple illnesses requiring hospitalization. That turned out to be the “good news” because subsequently, after being sexually inactive (now for 5 years), I was also diagnosed w/syphillis, which wasn’t caught upon my initial diagnosis- & due to the undiagnosed condition, I suffered a medication lapse for my HIV, which caused my body to do all sorts of crazy things, & being a new HIV patient, I accepted these symptoms as a “normal” result of unmediated HIV, & once returned to the proper medication, the symptoms gradually, but not entirely subsided… (still w/undiagnosed syphilis). I had to relocate to free myself from the damaging relationship, 2000 miles away to Huntsville, AL, where I was retested as protocol for finding ongoing HIV care. They gave me the surprising news about the undiagnosed syphilis, & I began researching how it was missed upon my previous testing, which led me to read about new research regarding the “highly under-diagnosed condition ‘Ocular Syphilis’. When I read the list of symptoms a huge lightbulb went on for me- it described ALL of my crazy symptoms experienced while unprotected by my HIV medication… I was happy to know that I could be treated for these ongoing issues until I spent the last 4 years being told that’s NOT what I have by all of the specialists (not HIV specialists, but symptomatic specialists, like Opthamologists, etc), & dismissed out-of-hand telling its old age, etc, without even looking at my medical history. I was treated successfully for the “regular” syphilis, but I cannot find any doctor that has the “power” to order tests to even look at my history & textbook symptoms. My HIV doctors believe in my condition but are powerless to order the tests or treatment to stop the progression of the complications of syphilis, which need a far higher dosage of antibiotics to cure. I know I fell through a weird crack, but I have a 13 year old child to support & my vision & range of motion are deteriorating (at a slower pace since my immune system is rebooted), but I am scared to death because I know I for all of the criteria for this complication of syphilis, but no one can or will help me get the treatment I need. I feel like I am crazy every time I try to explain my circumstances to another doctor. They may not be aware of the prevalence of this condition, as they don’t specialize in STI’s, but neither do I & the research make sense to me , especially because I am experiencing it firsthand. All I want is to provide for myself & my son & hopefully be around (& not blind or crazy), for as long as possible for him. He lost his dad to a life choice that does not include my son, or even supporting my son. WE NEED HELP. PLEASE.😢
“It’s tragic and shameful that elderly people with HIV have to go through what they’re going through without getting the proper attention that they deserve,” Levin says. “This will be a disaster soon without a solution. People with HIV are aging, and the challenges are piling up ... #Aging #HIV
“It’s tragic and shameful that elderly people with HIV have to go through what they’re going through without getting the proper attention that they deserve,” Levin says. “This will be a disaster soon without a solution. People with HIV are aging, and the challenges are piling up ... #Aging #HIV
Hi, my name is RandyKuntz. I'm here because
#MightyTogether #HIV #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Crohn 'sDisease#RheumatoidArthritis #Grief #EatingDisorder #Migraine #PTSD #AutismSpectrumDisorder
Hi, my name is RandyKuntz. I'm here because
#MightyTogether #HIV #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Crohn 'sDisease#RheumatoidArthritis #Grief #EatingDisorder #Migraine #PTSD #AutismSpectrumDisorder
Who decides what is sensitive #censure
Some time ago here, in the MIGHTY , my normal regular picture, almost headset, it shows black and it says: WARNING, THIS PICTURE MIGHT CONTAIN SENSITIVE CONTENT.
WHAT? Is AI, or THE MIGHTY , talking about the picture or me?
If anything, OK, I am sensitive content.
I am dangerous, because I speak up, and I am an advocate and an activist, and REPRESENTING means a lot to me.
I AM SENSITIVE, because as an empath, I try my best to listen, but also to feel what you are going through, and what my community is going through.
I AM LOUD, I AM LIGHT, I AM MANY COLORS, I AM A LATINO/X/E, I AM AN IMMIGRANT who came to this country with no LEGAL papers, I AM A GAY MAN, who has many shades and it has not been an angel.
I AM A SURVIVOR, 38 years living/dying with HIV, 12 years CANCER survivor, living with CHRONIC PAIN.
I AM, YES< an expression of an AY AY AY AY, because my pain is always there, and even pain has a cultural connotation.
I AM FREE, but ALWAYS a SLAVE of my journey, trying to be always a GOOD BOY.
I AM EXPRESSIVE, when I have sex, and when I feel the rain and the wind over my face and body.
I AM YOURS, if you want to hear my story as part of the HUMAN LIBRARY.
I AM...who you think I AM, but also many other faces that had been part of your experience and your family's experiences.
LOVE YOU....because I'm sending you healing energy, and I know you might feel me, and I might give you a smile.
national developmental disabilities month
Women’s history
National MS Education and Awareness Month
March 1-31: Alport Awareness Month March 1-31: Brain Injury Awareness Month
March 1-31: Brain Tumor Awareness Month (UK only)
March 1-31: Deep-Vein Thrombosis Awareness Month
March 1-31: Malignant Hyperthermia Awareness Month
March 1-31: Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month
March 1-31: Myeloma Action Month
March 1-31: National Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month
March 1-31: National Cheerleading Safety Month
March 1-31: National Colorectal Cancers Awareness Month
March 1-31: National Endometriosis Awareness Month
March 1-31: National Kidney Month
March 1-31: National Nutrition Month
March 1-31: Problem Gambling Awareness Month
March 1-31: Save Your Vision Month
March 1-31: Trisomy Awareness Month
March 1-31: Workplace Eye Wellness Month
March 1-6: National Aplastic Anemia & MDS Awareness Week
March 2: World Teen Mental Wellness Day
March 3: World Birth Defects Day
March 3: World Hearing Day
March 4: HPV Awareness Day
March 4: World Obesity Day
March 5: Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day
March 7: National Hospitalist Day
March 10: National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
March 10-16: Patient Safety Awareness Week
March 10-16: Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week
March 10-16: Sleep Awareness Week
March 11-17: Brain Awareness Week
March 14: World Kidney Day
March 15: World Sleep Day
March 17-23: National Poison Prevention Week
March 18-24: National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
March 20: National Native American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
March 20: World Oral Health Day
March 21: World Down Syndrome Day
March 24: World Tuberculosis Day
March 26: Epilepsy Awareness – Purple Day
March 26: American Diabetes Alert Day
March 30: National Doctors’ Day
March 30: World Bipolar Day
March 17: Saint Patrick’s Day
March: autoimmune diseases awareness month