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Worried and over thinking about friends and family. Part 2. #MentalHealth #TheMighty

Bear with me. 🫂💞

5. One of my girlfriends was raped last February and is doing fine considering all this. She is getting help in all the right places and reported the man to the Police and all that. Sadly she was sexally assulted at least once when she was younger. She has a big heart and hopefully will be stronger than ever.
6. Another of my girlfriends was diagnosed with a brain tumor and will get a scan in April. The doctors will then decide what will be best to do. She has mental health problems and several physical health problems too, didn't need one more. Hopefully she will be alright.
7. Recently I heard that one of my cousin, who has both alcohol and drug problems, walked out from her husband and their 3 daughters age 10 and younger. She has moved in with one of her girlfriends that has the same problems as her. This cousin has 2 University degrees and is so bright. She has been dealing with addictions since she was 15, is now nearing 40. Has many treatments under her belt but some how hasn't still got sober
for the long run.
8. One of my girlfriends who I have known for 25 years has schoprhenia. She had her first psyhocsis 2 years ago, since then been much more sick and so on. All last year we didn't meet, we were not up to it in turns, met in 2023 last time. We will try to meet in April.

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Shawnna. I'm here because in March of 2024 I had a brain bleed and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. A few months later I had brain surgery and it has been rough. My tumor is on my medulla and now is spreading to my pons, sadly the news gets worse and worse. Sadly there is nothing more the doctors can do, and I fear for my future and I just need help. I feel like I’m watching my life fade away and it’s a hard thing to watch as a 22 year old… I have never been in love, I desperately want children, I wanna finish my nursing degree, and I wanna keep working in the talent industry, but now I feel like I’m losing everything day by day.

#MightyTogether #BrainCancer #MentalHealth #Suicide

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Hello group. I just found the mighty. I am a brain tumor survivor if 2 yrs. I was sick a long time before they found the true cause of my health issues. They had misdiagnosed me and was treating it as bipolar without success. There's alot to my story. Now 2 yrs after surgery im still struggling to accept what my life is now, and let go of what I thought it would be.

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Ranting a little # chronic illness #BrainTumor #Microadenoma #rant

I'm struggling a lot with my neuro health right now. I was diagnosed in January with a 5mm pituitary microadenoma. For those struggling to imagine this, take a kidney bean, and place the top of a pencil eraser on it. That's the size of my tiny, noncancerous tumor. What nobody seems to understand is that, no matter how un-cancerous it is, the dang thing is still there. I have a mass in my brain. It doesn't help me to hear "Oh it could be worse, at least its not [insert cancer type name here.]" I want people in my life besides my boyfriend to acknowledge that I do in fact have a tumor, and that its okay to be scared of it. I just wish I could tell them without them interrupting me. Oh well.
Thanks for reading.

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Ranting a little # chronic illness #BrainTumor #Microadenoma #rant

I'm struggling a lot with my neuro health right now. I was diagnosed in January with a 5mm pituitary microadenoma. For those struggling to imagine this, take a kidney bean, and place the top of a pencil eraser on it. That's the size of my tiny, noncancerous tumor. What nobody seems to understand is that, no matter how un-cancerous it is, the dang thing is still there. I have a mass in my brain. It doesn't help me to hear "Oh it could be worse, at least its not [insert cancer type name here.]" I want people in my life besides my boyfriend to acknowledge that I do in fact have a tumor, and that its okay to be scared of it. I just wish I could tell them without them interrupting me. Oh well.
Thanks for reading.

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is FlowerGirl19. I'm here because
I’m a single parent with 20-something children with disabilities. Looking for others who are on this journey of helping their adult children lead meaningful and productive lives. Are you here, too?
#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #BrainTumor #CognitiveDisorders

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is FlowerGirl19. I'm here because
I’m a single parent with 20-something children with disabilities. Looking for others who are on this journey of helping their adult children lead meaningful and productive lives. Are you here, too?
#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #BrainTumor #CognitiveDisorders

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Scared to death!

I just found out yesterday that I have a brain tumor.. I am scared. Waiting now for MRI and more CT scans. Has anybody had any experience with this? I am trying to NOT panic..but it's hard.



Well, I finally gave in and had a brain MRI. Took a lot because I’m claustrophobic and I knew the stress of having it done would throw me into another flare. Numbness, issues speaking, dizziness, weakness, etc. made my dr think MS or something neurological. Results came back today and the drs response matched my husbands.
‘It’s JUST Lupus
What an impact that statement had on me. Actually made me breakdown and cry. I’m thankful it wasn’t MS, a brain tumor, Parkinson’s, or anything like that but at the same time I’m feeling like those around me have become so used to the Lupus diagnosis that they’ve forgotten how much it impacts life.
Maybe I’ve forgotten too.
It’s not JUST Lupus.

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Throat tightness?

Has anyone on here with MS struggled with sporadic throat tightness and spasms? After getting my covid vaccine, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling as though I couldn’t breathe/swallow correctly. In a panic I rushed to the ER, however was treated like I was crazy and just doped up. It’s true that I suffer from anxiety, however NEVER like this. Months later, I still randomly get these attacks, and am scheduled to see my dr soon. I try to use relaxation methods to help, as well as take Klonopin. This has never happened until that instance. I get random muscle spasms in my legs. Is it possible this is a new MS symptom?

I have relapsing remmiting MS, but started my journey with Tumafactive MS which presented as a brain tumor and left me with lasting disability 3 years later.

Thoughts on the throat tightness???

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