I talked with my Psychiatrist today. He commented that when I feel trapped is when I get most anxious and depressed. This rings true to me. My most significant trigger is my fatigue. I think I have CFS/ME, I’ve had the collection of symptoms. I was once diagnosed with reactivated Epstein-Barr virus. Now I am mostly affected by post-exertional malaise. And when I do too much I get angry and feel trapped because I can’t do the things I want. This was especially bad when I first got sick. Any little bit of exertion could put me in bed for days. I’ve been very lucky that it hasn’t been worse. All of this leads back to my childhood trauma and whether my response is something I learned then. It could be. I remember feeling I shouldn’t do anything to upset my mother. My psychiatrist wants me to see a therapist. I’ve never had good luck with them. Maybe now I can talk about my feelings better than I used to be able to.
#PTSD #BipolarDepression #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigue #ChronicActiveEpsteinBarrVirus